Arrivals with Details Report
This report lists the guests arriving within the specified date range and includes detailed information regarding each guest and then gives a summary total of guests and reservations. The report includes records where the guest stay record matches the report parameters regardless of current account status. This allows a property to create a list of guest that have arrived in the past, or will be arriving in the future depending on the date range specified. The report includes room, guest name, address, VIP level, loyalty membership level, advance deposit, group confirmation, arrival date and time, departure date and time, number of guests, share ID, guarantee code, settlement code, status, room type, market segment, rate plan, type, rate plan, rate amount, settlement code, share ID, status, guest history information, guest birthday, and preferences. The report then gives a summary for total guests, and total reservations. This report also includes the player rank information when the property parameter CMSINTG is selected.
You can filter the report by specifying booking agency, confirmation number, group, guarantee, loyalty membership type, loyalty membership level, organization, preference type, preference code, rate plan, rewards program type, room type, source of business, status, VIP code, start time and end time. You can optionally include additional guests, address, birthday, guest history, guest notes, preferences, reservation notes, rate changes, assigned rooms, unassigned rooms, shares, and loyalty membership level. You can optionally show rates and package rates. You can limit the report to show only arrivals with advance deposits posted and/or only arrivals with zero amount rates. You can optionally exclude lease guest stays or non-lease guest stays. You can sort the report by arrival date, confirmation number, name, room, or status.
- If Start Time and End Time are specified you must specify the time in 12-hour notation and not in 24-hour notation (Military time)fields
- If multiple values are entered on multiple fields on the report parameter screen and at least one value is in conflict with another value, no records will be returned.
- If a guest stay record is part of the share reservation, the guest stay record is counted in the total guest and total reservations numbers.
- If a guest account has multiple booking agencies, and the report is not being filtered by booking agency, report displays the primary booking agency.
- If an account has a scheduled room move during the reports requested date range, the report will display additional rows with just the room information and number of days at the new room type or room number.
- If Include Guest History is selected the report will include the lifetime revenue, lifetime nights, lifetime stays of the guests, and the last stay property.
- If Include Guest Notes is selected the report will include the guest notes enterend in the Guest Notes field of the guest stay record.
- If Include Notes is selected the report will include the notes entered in the tab of the guest stay record, but will not include notes marked as private.
- If Include Rate Changes is selected the report will include all rate changes on a separate line under the arrival information for the guest. The report will include all rate changes for the length of the reservation. If the option is not selected the report displays the average rate of the guest stay for the selected report dates. If the first night of the guest's is before the report start date the report will use the rate from the last night of the stay.
- If Include Preferences is selected the report will include preferences and descriptors if they exist for the preference.
- If the Show Package Rates check-box is not checked, the report will only show the room amount where the rate is a part of a package.
- If Show Rates is not selected the report will not include the Rates report column.
- If Only Lease is selected the report will only show guest stays with a lease and will display both lease guest accounts with the expected lease name and lease number.
- The Last Checkout Date is displayed on the report. This field is the checkout datelinked to a guest stay. If a guest stay profile has multiple reservation records, the Latest Checkout Date is the stay date of the record with the Reservation Status, Checked-out.
- In the Market Segment field, you can specify more than one value to filter the records that are displayed on the report.
- This report applies the VVIP functionality.