Suspending the reprocessing schedule for multiple messages simultaneously

Databridge automatically will reprocess a failed or idle message that is to be delivered to a partner. Because such event messages are usually required to be delivered in sequence, a failed or idle message must be successfully processed or delivered before the next message can be processed or delivered. If a message cannot be processed or delivered successfully, it needs to be suspended to allow subsequent messages to flow.

To suspend the retry schedule for messages:

  1. Select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Message Status. The Message ID screen is displayed.
  2. On the List View tab, search for message events using the Dataspy and Quick Filters. A list of all the messages matching the search criteria are displayed.
  3. Click Suspend Retry Schedule at the bottom of the page. The View Messages window is displayed.
  4. Select the checkbox adjacent to the Message ID for each of the records for which to suspend the retry schedule and click Save. The reprocessing schedule is suspended for the selected messages and the List View tab is displayed.