Creating new reports

  1. Select Administration > Setup > Reports. The Reports screen is displayed.
  2. Click New Record. A Record View tab is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    A unique identification code and description of the report.
    The type of report.
  4. Specify this information in the Definition File Details section:
    File Name
    The source of the file name.
    Jasper Report
    Indicates that the report is generated using the Java Reporting tool (JasperReports).
    • You must upload the .jrxml file to generate the report using the tool.
    • All the reports generated using Jasper, contains a code beginning with ‘BJ’ and the report tile includes ‘Standard’. For example, the code and description of the Folio Account Detail Report is BJFACD and Folio Account Detail Report – Standard, respectively.
    Upload File
    The file used to generate the Jasper report.
    • The file must be in .jrxml format. The file is a compiled report.
    • The Remove File and Download file fields are enabled.
  5. Click Remove File to use the Cognos report.
  6. Click Download File to download the source file.
  7. Click Save.

Defining report parameters

After creating a report, define new report parameters or modify the properties of system-supplied report parameters as necessary.

Note:  Infor HMS reports do not support numbers with more than 16 digits.

To define report parameters:

  1. Select Administration > Setup > Reports.
  2. On the List View tab, select the report for which to define parameters, and then click the Parameters tab. The Parameters tab is displayed.
  3. Click Add Parameter.
  4. Specify this information:
    Enter the sequence number of the report parameter.
    Enter the parameter value for the report.
    Data Type
    Select the data type of the parameter, e.g., character, data, numeric, etc.
    Enter the maximum length of the parameter.
    Custom Label
    Enter a custom name for the parameter to be used on the Report Parameters page.
    Lookup Name
    The name of the lookup to which the report is linked.
    System Screen
    Enter the code of the entity that corresponds to the report parameter.
    Enter the code of the type entity that corresponds to the report parameter.
    Parameter Default or Radio Button Default
    Enter the default value of the parameter.
    Select to make the parameter mandatory.
    Select to enforce uppercase characters for the parameter.
    Select to carry over a remembered value (from a preceding screen) as a default value.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: To delete a parameter, select the parameter to delete, and then click Delete Parameter.

Defining text for reports

After creating a report, define text for form names, tab labels, and field labels.

To define text for reports:

  1. Select Administration > Setup > Reports.
  2. On the List View tab, select the report for which to define text, and then click the Text tab. The Text tab is displayed.
  3. Select a text label from the grid.
    Enter a new text label.
  4. Click Save.