Setting up jobs

Set up predefined jobs. View and modify jobs. Disable jobs to stop their next scheduled executions or restart previously stopped jobs.

The JobCacheRefreshInterval tag in MPConfiguration.xml controls how often the job information is monitored for changes. By default, the JobCacheRefreshInterval tag checks the jobs every 15 minutes.

To set up jobs:

  1. Select Administration > Security > User Group > R5 > Menu.
  2. In the Filter section, specify the value as Job Setup.
  3. Click Logout
  4. Specify the User ID an Password to login again.
  5. Select the job to set up.
  6. Specify this information:
    Select to enable the job to start at the Next Run date and time.
    Note: If you unselect Active, the system disables the next execution of the job.
  7. View the schedule pattern using Month, Day of Month, Day of Week, Hour, and Minute.

    The schedule patterns are typically numeric, but can also include the following characters:

    • * (asterisk)—Matches all days, months, hours, and minutes, e.g., an asterisk in Day of Week indicates that the system performs the job every day of the week.
    • , (comma)—Separates lists of days, months, hours, and minutes, e.g., 31, 12, 0, 0 represents 12:00 A.M. on December 31.
    • - (hyphen)—Specifies a range, e.g., 10-12 equals hours 10, 11, and 12.
    • / (backslash)—Specifies increments, e.g., 0/15 minutes equals minutes 0, 15, 30, and 45.
    • L—Indicates the last, e.g., Day of Month=L equals the last day of the month.
    • Refer to the table below for an example of a schedule pattern.

    Month Day of Month Day of Week Hour Minute Description
    * * * 0 5 Run 5 minutes past midnight, every day.
    * * 1-5 22 0 Run at 10:00 P.M. on each weekday.
    * * * 0-23/1 0 Run each hour, every day.
    3-12/3 L * 1 0 Run at 1:00 A.M. on the last day of each calendar quarter.
  8. Click Save. The system saves the record, updates the Jobs list, and automatically populates the Next Run date and time.