Overriding assigned access areas for room key configuration

Assign access areas to specific rooms by overriding the access areas defined for a room when the key card has already been generated.

  1. Select Administration > Property > Rooms > Room Key Configuration.
  2. On the List View tab, double-click the property record with which to work. The property Record View tab is displayed.
  3. Click the Room Access tab.
  4. Click Associate Access Areas to Rooms. The Associate Access Areas to Rooms popup is opened. On the popup, specify this information:
    Access Area
    Select the access area for which to associate rooms, and then using the arrows, associate rooms to the access areas by moving the room to the Associated Rooms column.
    For example, select Access Area 1 (Pool), and then move Rooms 108, 110, and 112 from the Unassociated Rooms column to the Associated Rooms column, to assign these rooms access to the pool area.
    Note: To unassociate rooms to an access area, use the arrows to move the room to the Unassociated Rooms column.
  5. Click Save.