10 Day Availability

Front Desk > Availability > Room Type Availability .

Select Print to generate a report regarding availability of rooms for the next seven days.

The following are some of the important points to be noted:

  • This report can only be run for the current hotel date and time.
  • This report is designed to run from a print button on the Room Type Availability page. If a user manually adds this report to the Report Menu and tries to pull information, no records will be returned.
The following information is listed on the report:
Field Notes
Header Section
Property The property code
Date Printed
Date Details
Calendar Date Calendar date in MM/DD format
Day of Week Day of week abbreviated
Availability Details
Rooms Available Total of rooms available for all room types.
Rooms Sold Total of rooms sold for all room types.
Total Rooms Total of all rooms for all room types.
Room Type Details
Room Type Description A line for each room type will print.
Room Type Availability column

The first column in grid for each room type represents the availability for the room type on that day's column.

Stay Through Restrictions column

The second column in grid for each room type represents the stay through restrictions on the room type.

  • If no stay through restrictions exist on the room type for that day, the Not Restricted symbol will appear in the column.
  • If any of stay through restrictions exist on the room type for that day, the appropriate symbol will appear in the column.
  • If there is a minimum number of days set to stay through the date, the minimum length of stay symbol will display with the number of days needed to stay through.
Arrival Restrictions column

The second column in grid for each room type represents the arrival restrictions on the room type.

  • If no arrival restrictions exist on the room type for that day, the Not Restricted symbol will appear in the column.
  • If any of arrival restrictions exist on the room type for that day, the appropriate symbol will appear in the column.
  • If there is a minimum number of days set to arrive on the date, the minimum length of arrival symbol will display with the number of days needed to arrive. The revenue manager can be set to only allow a minimum length of stay for arrival dates. For example 8/1/2014 can be set to have a minimum of 2 days to arrive, so then when making a reservation for a guest arriving on 8/1/2014 the reservation must be for 2 nights(or greater) or cannot be made (unless manager overrides), it cannot be 1.
Departure Restriction column

The third column in grid for each room type represents the departure restrictions on the room type.

  • If no departure restrictions exist on the room type for that day, the Not Restricted symbol will appear in the column.
  • If any of departure restrictions exist on the room type for that day, the appropriate symbol will appear in the column.
  • If there is a minimum number of days set to depart on the date, the minimum length of departure symbol will display with the number of days needed to depart.
Not Restricted symbol No restrictions exist for room type on that date.
Closed to Arrival symbol The room type is closed to any reservation arriving on that date (with that date as the guest arrival date).
Closed to Departure symbol The room type is closed to any reservation departing on that date (with that date as the guest departure date).
Closed symbol The room type is closed to all reservations.
Min Length of Stay to Stay Thru symbol Reservations that encompass this stay date (the date is neither the arrival or departure date, but is a stay date on the reservation) must meet the minimum length of stay (MLOS = number of nights) restriction set for the room type. The MLOS number will display on the symbol.
Min Length of Stay to Arrive symbol Reservations arriving on this date must meet the minimum length of stay (MLOS = number of nights) restriction set for the room type. The MLOS number will display on the symbol.
Min Length of Stay to Depart symbol Reservations departing on this date must meet the minimum length of stay (MLOS = number of nights) restriction set for the room type. The MLOS number will display on the symbol.