Reservation Activity

Administration > Reports > Front Desk > Reservation Activity

Use the Reservation Activity page to generate a report that lists all reservations that are created; for the selected date range. The information displayed on the report is based on the Arrival Date field of the guest record.

The following information is displayed on the report:
Field Notes
Date Printed Displays date report is printed.
Detail Section
Guest Name Last Name, First Name. Separated by ",". This report applies the VVIP functionality.
VIP VIP Status Code
Status Reservation Stay Status Code
Confirmation Number Reservation Stay PMS Confirmation Number
Share Reservation Share With ID. "Y" (Yes, account is part of a Share) or "N" (No, account is not part of a share) .
Arrival Reservation Stay Arrival Date.
Nights Reservation Stay Departure Date - Reservation Stay Arrival Date.
Departure Reservation Stay Departure Date.
Rate Plan Rate Plan on first day of the stay or package plan code.
Rate Calculate the average nightly rate.
Room Type Room Type on first day of the stay.
Room Number Room Number on first day of the stay.
Source Source of Business field.
Reservation Date Reservation Date column not the date when reservation was created.
Created By Reservation Stay Created by.
TOTAL RESERVATIONS: Displays summary of total reservations displayed on report.
TOTAL ROOM NIGHTS Displays summary of total room nights displayed on report.