Adding Amenities to Guest Stay

The Amenities screen enables you to add or modify the amenities defined for the guest stay.


You can add or modify the amenities only if the status of the guest on the Guest Stay screen is set to:

  • Reserved
  • Pre-Register
  • In-House
  • Waitlist

To add or modify an amenity:

  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay.
  2. Select the guest stay record on the List View tab.
  3. Click Amenities. The Amenities screen is displayed.
  4. Click Add Record.
  5. Specify this information in the Amenities Details section:
    The item name and description, which is added as part of the amenities defined for the guest stay.

    If the Template is specified, this value is defaulted with the item associated with the template. You cannot modify the value.

    The code of the Amenity Template.
    • This field is enabled, only when the Item field is not specified.
    • You can also select an active amenity template and the items configured for the template using the Apply Amenity Template screen. See Apply Amenity Template.
    The category to classify the amenities.
    Sub Category
    The sub-category associated with the amenity. Only the sub-category values configured for the category are displayed.
    Start Date
    The date from which the amenities are applicable to the guest reservations.
    • This value is defaulted from the guest Arrival Date field on the guest stay screen. However, you can modify the value.
    • If this date is the same as or later than the Hotel Date, specify the Start Date or Hotel Date.
    • This field is disabled if the user selects an existing record for which the Start Date is prior to the Hotel Date.
    End Date
    The date up to which the amenities are applicable to the guest reservation.
    • This value is defaulted from the guest Arrival Date field on the guest stay screen. However, you can modify the value.
    • If this date is the same as or later than the Hotel Date, specify the End Date or Hotel Date.
    • This date must be same as or later than the Start Date.
    • This field is disabled if the user selects an existing record for which the End Date is prior to the Hotel Date.
    The quantity of the amenity item.
    • By default, the value is 1. However, you can modify this value.
    • You can specify a minimum value of 1 to maximum value of 999.
    The frequency to schedule the amenities for the guest reservation.
    • The value must be the same as that specified in the Posting Frequency field on the Non Room Item screen where the selected amenity item is configured.
    • This field is disabled, if the Allow Override of Posting Frequency checkbox is not selected in the Non Room Item screen, where in the selected amenity item is configured.
    • The value must be the same as that specified in the Pricing Control field on the Non Room Item screen where the selected amenity item is configured.
    • This field is disabled if the Allow Override of Pricing Control checkbox is not selected in the Non Room Item screen where the selected amenity item is configured
    The status of the amenity.
    Note: By default, the status is set to Active. However, you can modify the value.
    Notification Department
    The department to be notified.
    Delivery Department
    The department responsible for the delivery of the amenity items.
    If this checkbox is selected, the amenity item is delivered to the guests.
    Note: By default, this checkbox is cleared. However, you can modify the value.
    Retrieval Department
    The department responsible for the retrieval of the amenity items.
    The non-room item inventory that is available.
    Note: This value is defaulted from the Inventory Count field in the Non Room Item screen. You cannot modify the value.
    The limit to which the amenity item is available for booking. Indicates if the overbooking of the amenity item is allowed.
    • This value is defaulted from the Overbooking Option field in the Non Room Item screen. You cannot modify the value.
    • The overbooking option is available only if the Overbooking Option field is set to other than Not allowed on the Non Room Item screen where the selected amenity item is configured.
  6. Click Save.
    • If the Item is specified, the following values are defaulted from the Amenities Template screen based on the selected item:
      • Category
      • Sub Category
      • Frequency
      • Control
      • Notification Department
      • Delivery Department
      • Retrieval Department
      • Available
      • Overbook
    • You can use the View Incomplete Templates option from the Action menu select the amenities items associated with Incomplete Amenity templates from the Incomplete Amenity Template screen. An amenity template is considered incomplete when a template is associated with a guest stay record, and no amenity item from the template is selected for the guest. When the amenity items are selected from the incomplete amenity templates, the application removes the template from the Incomplete templates list.
    • The View Incomplete Templates option is enabled only if incomplete templates are present.
    • If the Status of an existing record is set to Inactive, all the fields are disabled.
    • You can also view the inventory availability of the item using the icon adjacent to the Available field.