Account Charge Posting

Use this screen to post the charges, when the communication is disrupted between a POS and HMS or you are unable to post charges through POS. You can also specify the details of the check on this screen.

You can post the charge to the appropriate account by specifying the POS check details such as the summary of charge details and itemizers. You can post the charge to these accounts:

  • Guest Account
  • House Account
  • Group Account
  • A/R account

that have a billing account linked.

You can post checks for room charges as well as comps charged to a player’s reward credits, admin comps, or comp slips. You can also use the screen to comp the charge to the POS Comp Posting account.

You can view the list of transactions associated with the Transaction Code in the detail section. The total amount of the transactions must be the same as the check amount.

The department associated with the comp authorizer must be active.