Generating the Tax Invoice – Austria

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Accounting > Tax > Tax Invoice – Austria. The Tax Invoice – Austria screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameters section:
    The property for which the report is generated. The application defaults this value.
    Note: You can modify this value.
    Tax Invoice Number
    The unique number of the tax invoice that is to be generated.
    One Line Description
    The description of the One Line Description defined for the combined invoice lines.
  3. Set these parameters in the Report Options section:
    Package Details
    Select this check box to include the details of the package availed by the guest.
    Group Format
    Select this check box to include the information in the generated report in group format.
    Group Date Details
    Select this check box to include these information in the report:
    • The room and reference ID in the detail section
    • Each transaction and the date of the transaction.
    Group Header
    Select this check box to include the group header section in the report.
    Show Net Adjustments
    Indicates that the report includes the adjusted charges and the adjustment charges.
    Note: By default, this check box is selected. However, you can clear the check box, if required.
    Transaction Summary
    Select this check box to combine all the lines as per transaction code in the Detail section of the report..
    Transaction Summary by Date
    Select this check box to combine all invoice lines per transaction date in the Detail section of the report.
    Include Duplicate
    Select this check box to print ‘Duplicate’ on the report header.
    One Line Invoice
    Select this check box to combine all invoice lines into one line and display the invoice with one line description.
    Note: If this check box is selected and the One Line Description field does not have a value specified, the records are not retrieved.
    Transaction Grouping
    Select this check box to group the transactions by Transaction Groups to which Transaction Codes are assigned..
    Note: The property parameter ALLOWTRANSGROUPTAXINV must be selected.
  4. Click Print Record.