Searching for player offers

Use the Player Value and Offers pop-up to search for offers available for a casino player who is staying at the hotel. This pop-up displays the offers that are available based on the stay dates, and player value. You can select one or more offers to apply to the guest stay. Each offer establishes a folio comp configuration item on the reservation and can be used to determine what charges and how much can be comped from the guest’s folio.

To search player offers:

  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay.
  2. Alternatively, select Front Desk > Guest Stay > Guest Details.
  3. Click Folio Comp Configuration
  4. Click Action > Retrieve Player offers to select marketing offers that are available to the player based on their player value.
  5. Select the player offers
    • The Quantity and Player Tier fields are displayed only if the value of the CMSPRTNR Install Parameter is set to PECHANGA.
    • If the value of CMSPRTNR install parameter is set to PECHANGA and user selects an offer associated with the player tier, the application:
      • Checks if an active reservation template exists for the player tier. If yes, the template details are defaulted to the reservation.
      • Creates the Folio Comp Configuration (FCC) record for all the Comp Templates associated with the Reservation Template when the reservation is saved.
      • Determines the start and end dates for the FCC records, based on the offer quantity, that indicates the number of stay days for which the offer is applicable.
    • If the value of install parameter CMSPRTNR is set to PECHANGA,
      • Specifying the Authorization code is optional.
      • The application defaults the Comp Department based on the Comp Type of the offer.
    • For Oasis Loyalty:
      • When an offer is added to a reservation, it is reserved in the casino system and it cannot be used on future reservations. However, if the guest cancels the reservation then the reserved offer remains in the casino system and it can be used for a future reservations.
      • The offer can be redeemed when the related comp is used to comp a charge. If required, the offer can be reversed by using the undo comp option on the View Comp Folio screen.
    • When the CMSPRTNR install parameter is set to SGENVOY, the application retrieves and displays the list of offers associated with the player, from the Bally's system.
  6. Click Submit.