HMS Optional Report Parameters

These are the optional report parameters available in HMS:
Parameter Description Data Type Length Parameter Default
OPT_AGGREGATEVATS This parameter is used to display the aggregate advance deposit VAT Charges and Folio Charges (includes VAT Zero charges) in the Tax Summary Section of the Tax Invoice. Check Box 1
Possible Values:
  • + (displays the aggregated VAT records)
OPT_CITYTAXLIMIT This parameter is used to specify the value of the City Tax Limit for the City Tax Report – Hamburg report. Numeric 10 Numeric Value
OPT_EXCLORPHANCONS This parameter is used to exclude the orphaned consumption charges. Orphaned charges are discount charges Invoiced separately from the originating Package Charge. Check Box 1
Possible Values:
  • +
OPT_HIDEZEROPKGADDON This parameter is used to hide the Add-ons or Packages with zero amount in the folio reports. Check Box 1 -
OPT_HIDEZEROTAXSUMM This parameter is used to hide the Tax Summary lines with zero value in the Tax Summary section of the Tax Invoice. Check Box 1
Possible Values:
  • + (displays the aggregated VAT records)
Note: You must specify + to hide Tax Summary line.
OPT_HIDEZEROVATZERO This parameter is used to hide the VAT Zero line in the Tax Summary section of Tax Invoice if no VAT Zero record(s) are available. Check Box 1
Possible Values:
  • + (displays the aggregated VAT records)
Note: You must specify + to hide VAT Summary line.
OPT_INCLCURRENCYCODE This parameter is used to include the currency code in the Deposit Tax Invoice report Check Box 1 +
OPT_INCLCURRENCYSYM This parameter is used to include the currency symbol in the Deposit Tax Invoice report Check Box 1 +
OPT_INCLFOREIGNCURR This parameter is used to hide foreign currency in the Summary section of the Deposit Tax Invoice Check Box 1 Possible Values:
  • <FORMAL>
  • <CASUAL>
  • <BASIC>
Note: Custom Formatting options are also available.
OPT_PKGCONSOLIDATE This parameter is used to display the Packages on a single line when Package details are not included (break down of additional charges such as taxes or SVC)
  • You cannot use this parameter with other package display options.
  • You must select the Tax Included in Package check box.
Check Box 1 +
OPT_PAIDOUTASPAYMENT This parameter is used to include the Paid Out Transactions in the Payments section of the Finance Manager report, irrespective of the Revenue Type.
Note: By default, the Revenue Type set to Charge is considered.
Check Box 1 +
OPT_RECALCULATEPKG This parameter is used to override values of the Package Charge in the Tax Invoices. The VAT Amount is calculated based on the Package Details and saved to the Package Charge VAT Amount. The Package Charge Net Amount is calculated based on the Gross Amount and the subtracted VAT Amount. Check Box 1 +
OPT_SHOWLETTERHEAD This parameter is used to override the letterhead parameter FRONTPG available in the Install Parameters. This parameter enables customization of the letterhead for specific reports. Check Box 1 +
OPT_ TRANSGROUPINTOTALS This parameter is used to display the details associated with the transaction group Tax Summary group type. Check Box 1 +
OPT_USEGUESTLANG This parameter is used to generate report in Guest Language. Check Box 1 Possible Values:
  • + (prints in Guest language)
  • – (prints in the Property language)