Posting A/R Recurring Charges
You can post recurring charges linked to an A/R Account using theRecurring Charges tab or as part of the Accounting End of the Day process. The types of postings are:
- Standard charge
- Finance charge
To post charges:
- Select Accounts Receivable > Property A/R Accounts > Recurring Charges.
Specify this information:
- Charge Type
This field indicates the type of payment. You can set the field to Finance Charge type or Recurring Charge type, which determines the payment type calculations.
Note:- The field defaults to Recurring Charge.
- If the user selects Finance charge, the Percentage field is enabled.
- Transaction
- The transaction code and description used to post the Recurring or Finance Charge.
- Amount
- The recurring amount that is charges to the A/R account.
- Percentage
This field is only enabled when the Charge Type is set to Finance Charge. Indicates that the recurring charge cannot be flat amount but uses a calculation method. The calculation method is based on the A/R Account’s outstanding balance (total of all transactions within the selected Aging Periods) times the percentage value is specified.
- Aging Period
- This field is only enabled when the Charge Type is set to Finance Charge. Indicates which Aging Periods to include when determining an A/R Account’s outstanding balance.
- Start Date
- This date is the beginning date scheduled for the transaction’s recurring posting.
- End Date
- This date is the last date schedule for the transaction’s recurring posting.
- Billing Cycle
Select the billing cycle to indicate how often the recurring charges will post:
- Days
- Monthly
- Once
- Weekly
Note:- If the Billing Cycle is set to Days, the Billing Cycle Days field is enabled only and you can select a billing cycle option of 1-99 days.
- If the Billing Cycle is set to Monthly the Billing Cycle Monthly/Months field are enabled only. You can select a single month or multiple months in the Billing Cycle Months field.
- If the Billing Cycle is set to Weekly, a day of the week is selected.
- If the Billing Cycle is set to Once, all the other fields are disabled.
- Status
- The transaction status.Note: By Default, the Status is set to Active always.
- Include Tax
- Select this check box to post the tax associated with the transaction.
- Click Submit.
Alternatively, select one or more standard transaction lines
and click Actions > Post Charges. The posting process is initiated. The selected transaction is
displayed on the Account’s Charge tab.
- Updates the Last Post Date to the current posting date.
- Calculates and updates the Next Post Date.
The application prompts you to confirm the continuation of the process.
Note: The Next Post Date must be
- Same as or later than the Start Date
- Same as or later than the Accounting Date
- Same as or before the End Date