Using the Rate Shopping screen

  1. Select Call Center from the menu. The Call Center screen is displayed.
  2. Click Start. The landing page is displayed.
  3. Select the properties.
  4. Click View Rates. The Rate Shopping screen is displayed.
    Note: You can click Back to view the landing page again.
  5. Review the information which are populated based on the value specified in the Landing page for the guest,
    The properties included to display the list of available rooms and rate plan for the stay dates.
    Note: You can select multiple properties.
    The stay dates of the reservation.
    The number of nights included in the guest stay.
    Note: The application calculates and displays the value.
    The number of adults and children. The age of each child.
    Note: The age of the child is used in Rate Shopping to determine the pricing based on the child categories.
  6. Specify this additional information, if required, to refine the search:
    Sales Strategy
    The sales strategy associated with the user.
    Note: This is ignored when rates and room types are selected.
    Room Type Categories
    The active room type category linked to the room types.
    Note: You can view unique list of available rooms for each property when multiple room types are in a same category.
    Room Types
    The code of the room types associated with the property.
    Note: You can view a unique list when the same room type is available in multiple properties.
    Rate Plans
    The code of the Rate Plan associated with the property.
    Note: You can view a unique list when the same rate plan code is available in multiple properties.
    Room Type for Charge
    The room type which can be used as a substitute for rate.
    The group booking associated with the property.
    The organization associated with the rate available for the selected property.
    Primary Booking Agency
    The booking agency associated with the rate available for the selected property.
    The active promotion code of the property.
    Note: The promotions are linked to the rate plan.
    The currency used by the property for the reservation.
    Convert from Property Currency
    Indicates the currency of the property is different from the value selected in Currency.
    Show Restricted Sell Options
    Select this check box to search for available rooms and rates based on the specified criteria, ignoring the restrictions configured in HMS.
  7. Click Search.
  8. Toggle the Flexible Dates to enable search for flexible dates.
    • You can use the arrow icons to view rate details prior and after the current date.
    • You can click Show Legend to view the color code used in the grid.
  9. Select rates for the guest stay dates in the grid.
    Note: The selected rate for the date is highlighted.
  10. Click Update Stay.
  11. Review the details in the Stay Summary.
    Note: Click Auto Transfer Rules and Rate Details to view details of the auto transfer and rate plan associated with the reservation.
  12. Click Complete to proceed with the reservation.