Adding a booking message

To add a message:

  1. Select Rates and Sales > Activity > Limo Booking Message.
  2. Specify this information in the Booking Message section:
    Booking Message
    The code and description of the booking message.
    The status of the message.

    By default, the value is set to Active.

    Start Date
    The date from which the message is applicable.
    End Date
    The date up to which the message is valid.
    The code and description of the provider.

    You can select multiple service providers.

    Car Types
    The code and description of the car type.

    You can select multiple car types.

    The detailed description of the booking message that is displayed on booking the service.
    • By default, the Property field is set to the Session Property.
    • The Record Details section displays the details of the user and the date, the record was created or modified.
  3. Click Save.

    While coping a record the value of the Booking Message field is not copied.