Generating the outgoing invoice book for Poland

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Accounting > Outgoing Invoice Book for Poland. The Outgoing Invoice Book for Poland screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameters session:
    The code of the property for which the report is generated. The application defaults this value.
    Note: You can modify this value.
    Include Account Name
    Select this check box to include the Account Name details in the report.
    Include Registration Number
    Select this check box to include the Registration Number details in the report.
  3. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section.
    Note: EOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateEOD Status UpdateBy default, the values are set to a date prior to the current hotel date.