Setting the number

  1. Select Administration > Property > Sequence Numbers. The Sequence Numbers screen is displayed.
  2. Click the Tax Invoice tab.
  3. Specify this information:
    Tax Invoice Prefix
    The alphanumeric prefix included to the beginning of sequence number. The length ranges from 1 to 3.
    Beginning Sequence Number
    A numeric value.
    Note: The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 999999999999999999..
    Last Used Sequence Number
    The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 999999999999999999.
    Tax Invoice Number Setting
    The option to include the Fiscal Year as a prefix or suffix in the invoice number. Possible values:
    • Fiscal Year as Prefix
    • Fiscal Year as Suffix
    Note: The Tax Invoice number is displayed on the tax invoice.
    Fiscal Year Separator
    The symbol used to separate the fiscal year.
    Note: You must specify this value if Fiscal Year shall be prefix or suffix as part of the invoice number..
    Validation Code
    The predefined invoice type codes obtained from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR).
    Note: This field is enabled when the FISCAL property parameter value is set to GE.
    Fiscal Sequence Name
    The predefined fiscal invoice name obtained from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR).
    Note: This field is enabled when the FISCAL property parameter value is set to GE.
    Fiscalization Type
    The type of Fiscalization for the selected invoice record.
    • This field is enabled when the FISCAL property parameter value is set to GE.
    • By default, the value is displayed.
  4. Specify this information in the Year End Reset Options section:
    Reset Scheduling
    The moment when the sequence number must be reset. Available options:
    • Each Calendar Year
      Note: This value must be selected when the sequence number resets on 01 Jan of each year.
    • Each Fiscal Year
      Note: This value must be selected when the Fiscal Year does not match the Calendar Year and the sequence number resets on the first day of each Fiscal Year.
    • Never
    Reset Sequence to
    The numeric value at which the sequence begins, after the reset.
    • You must specify this value only if Reset Scheduling is defined.
    • The Minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 999999999999999999.
    Fix Number Length
    The total number of characters allowed in the invoice number for the Tax Invoices. The invoice number is a combination of prefix, leading zeros, and the sequence number.
    • You must specify this value for Philippines.
    • You must specify the sequence number that does not exceed the value in this field.
    • The maximum value is 18.
    • Zeros are included in the beginning of the sequence number, if required. For example, If Fix Number Length is 10, prefix is 2023 and the sequence number is 450. The generated invoice number is 20230000000450.
  5. Click Submit to save the record.