Automatic generation of the Item Harmony extract

The Revenue Center extract can be generated automatically using IHEXPT Databridge partner, by scheduling the Job that runs twice a day. This process exports only 17 files to the Enterprise Manager. IHEXPT must be configured along with the SFTP address details on the Subscription tab of the Databridge Partner screen.

However, you can also manually extract the data for specific Revenue Centers. See Generating the Item Harmony Extract manually

The prerequisites for automating the process:

The seventeen .csv format files are:
File name File Description
ihexport_barcodes.csv The file includes the list of Barcodes that are associated with the Product ID. The combination of Barcode and Product ID is unique for each record.
ihexport_category.csv The file includes the list of all the master level Category codes.
ihexport_localitemsubmenu.csv The file extracts both master level and local level information of Submenus associated with Product IDs.
ihexport_master.csv The file includes the list of Master Items.
ihexport_modgroupi.csv The file includes the list of Modifier Options that are configured in the Modifier Groups at the local level.
ihexport_modgroups.csv The file includes the list of Modifier Groups at the local level.
ihexport_modtargets.csv The file includes modifier records of stores based on the value of StoreLOCID.
ihexport_targetsystem.csv The file includes list of Target Systems configured in Item Harmony.
ihexport_modwinids.csv The file includes the Modifier Options that are configured in the Modifier Group.
ihexport_modwins.csv The file includes Modifier Group records based on the value of StoreLOCID.
ihexport_productalias.csv The file includes list of the Item’s Alias names that are created at local level.
ihexport_subcategory.csv The file includes the list of Subcategories at master level.
ihexport_submenu.csv The file includes the list of Submenus that are used in the Terminal for Revenue Center.
ihexport_tag_local.csv The file includes the list of tags associated with Revenue Center.
ihexport_tag_master.csv The file includes the list of master level tags that are associated with Revenue Centers.
ihexport_taxes.csv The file includes list of taxes associated with items at the Revenue Center.
ihexport_unit.csv The file includes the price and cost of items for the Revenue Center.
Note: This job is not an EOD process.