Editing Dataspies

Several predefined Dataspies are delivered with Item Harmony, and these can be edited only by a system administrator. If you try to edit a predefined Dataspy, the system creates its copy which you can edit. You can edit Dataspies that you have created.

To edit a Dataspy that you have created:

  1. Open any list view page and, from the Dataspy drop-down list, select the Dataspy to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
    Note: To change your Dataspy selection, use the drop-down list on the Dataspy editor.
  3. Edit the Dataspy criteria.
  4. Perform one of these steps:
    • To apply the Dataspy to the selected list without saving your changes, click Run .
    • To save this Dataspy as the default, click Make Default.
    • To save your changes and close the Dataspy editor, click Save. The system applies the Dataspy to the selected list.