HMS installation parameters
This section contains a complete listing of all the installation parameters used for Infor HMS.
Code | Example | Description | Fixed | Module |
@MSGARC | 90 | Purge period install parameter | No | Base |
~QUEUES~ | 1 | Number of concurrent job queues | No | Base |
~SLEEP~ | 15 | Interval time (in seconds) for ADRV, BDRV, and TDRV | No | Base |
~SLEEPB0 | 86400 | Interval time (in seconds) for BDRV, queue 0. | No | Base |
~SLEEPT0 | 3600 | Interval time (in seconds) for TDRV, queue 0. | No | Base |
7IMCDKEY | 000-0000-00000-0000 | Mobile CD key | No | Base |
ADRDOCUP | http:// | Advanced Reporting document upload path. This is the path from the Advanced Report Server to the document upload directory. Must be a valid URL and can be either http:// or file:// protocol. | No | URL |
ADVEODTM | 21:00 | Advance EOD time | No | Base |
ADVREPT | SSRS | Advance Reporting Module (YES) for installed, (SSRS) for Reporting Services, and (NO) for any other reporting products | No | Base |
ALDLOCAL | Allowed Local login attempts in Mobile application. Leave blank to disable. | NO | BASE | |
ALDNTWRK | Allowed Network login attempts from Mobile. Leave blank to disable. | NO | BASE | |
AMSGCOST | 250 | Maximum allowable SQL score for alert management grid Dataspies | NO | BASE |
APPURL | | URL Path for the application server. This path will be used with the Messenger feature to include a URL that links back to the record in question. This should be the same URL used to access Infor HMS. | NO | BASE |
ARCAGING | YES | Automatically recalculate aging after closing an accounting date | NO | BASE |
ATLCSPHR | False | Atlantis Hotel and Casino custom player hotel rating search. This enables the application to retrieve the control segment of the player only if the install parameter CMSPRTNR is set to INTLGAMETECH. Default values are True or False. | No | Base |
AUTOKBNM | NO | Flag for auto-generation of knowledge base article code (values are YES and NO). | NO | BASE |
AUTOSAVE | YES | YES - Save work automatically when moving from tab to tab. NO - Do not save work automatically when moving from tab to tab and prompt user to save. | NO | BASE |
BESTWEST | INS_VALUE=YES | Best Western Interface enabled | No | BASE |
BLDDATE | 2011-AUG-24 00:04:38 | Database Build time stamp | YES | BASE |
BRETRIES | Maximum number of retries in the BDRV driver. | NO | BASE | |
CCTINF | NO | Use Liaison for credit card
interface. Note: If the value of this field is set to YES, the Credit
Card and Debit Card pay types are excluded from the Transaction Codes
CDKEY | HMS license code | NO | BASE | |
CMPRLOGO | ../hms/images/cmp_logo.gif | Company logo on Infor HMS reports title page. | NO | BASE |
COREBURL | http:// | The URL of the CORE CRS application | NO | URL |
CRMACT | No | The CRM interface is active, which will prevent manual merging. Specify Yes or No. | NO | BASE |
CTRLSEGM | Select this check box to default the Player Control Segment and ADT for the selected player, on the Player Guest Profile window. | NO | BASE | |
CMSPRTNR | The value indicates the Casino Management System
partner. Available values:
BASE | ||
CUSTAPP | NO | If you have any Custom Applications deployed on Infor HMS's application server then this parameter needs to be turned on (YES\+\Y) | NO | BASE |
DBBUFSIZ | 100 | Cache size for grid query results | NO | BASE |
DBNAME | Specify the name of the database, for example: Production or Test. This name will appear inside the application. | NO | BASE | |
DEFCURR | USD | Default currency | NO | BASE |
DEFLANG | EN | Language code to insert description of entity | YES | BASE |
DEFORG | * | Default Organization value for entities with multiorg 'OFF' | YES | BASE |
DELTYPE | Delphi Extract Type. 1=Delphi7, 2=Iserver | NO | BASE | |
DEPTSEC | OFF | To enable department security set value to ON. To disable department set value to OFF. | NO | BASE |
DFATEN | 0 | Default Auto Transfer End Date Offset. This value is used by the system when the system sets auto transfer rules for an account. If the account does not have an end date, the value that you specify in this parameter is added to the Hotel Date to infer the end date of the auto transfer rule. This is a positive integer value, representing number of days. The default value is zero. | NO | BASE |
DSKUPLD | 0 | Total disk space, in megabytes, available for file uploads. 0 is unlimited. | YES | BASE |
DUALCURR | EUR | Dual currency | NO | BASE |
EAMRLOGO | ../hms/images/d7i_logo.gif | Infor HMS logo on reports title page. | NO | BASE |
EODNERRS | 100 | Number of errors to abort End of Day | NO | BASE |
EODQA | ON | EOD QA Mode | NO | |
EPAKURL | http:// | URL Path for the EPAK server. This path will be used to display EPAK content for Infor HMS. | NO | BASE |
EXCELMAX | 10000 | Maximum number of records to be retrieved by the Export to Excel feature. Setting this value too high can cause performance issues. | NO | BASE |
EXPDCOMM | NO | Select YES to have the editable block of the Comments tab open expanded. Select NO to have the Comments tab not open expanded. | NO | BASE |
FOLRECT | NO | Print Folio Receipt during check-out process. YES/NO | NO | BASE |
FRONTPG | Yes | Specifies the default value for the Print Front Page option on some reports. | NO | BASE |
GRIDCOST | 100 | SQL score for Dataspy | NO | BASE |
HOSTED | - | Indicates whether or not this is a hosted installation | YES | BASE |
HTMLCOMM | ON | ON provides HTML editing capability on Comments fields, while OFF removes HTML editing capability. | NO | BASE |
INBXSCOR | 100 | SQL Score for Inbox Queries | NO | BASE |
IHCOMPID | Item Harmony Company ID. Indicates the company which is linked to Enterprise Manager | No | BASE | |
IHMSLID | Item Harmony Master Store Location ID. Indicates the Master Store ID used in Enterprise Manager. | NO | BASE | |
INCRLINO | 10 | Increment line number when automatic line numbering is used. | NO | BASE |
INSTCODE | Installation code: needs to be computed | YES | INTERNAL | |
INVPMTHD | Partner Inventory Method | No | BASE | |
KEEPBOT | + | To avoid overwriting adapted boilertexts, helptexts, and function descriptions by newly issued texts, keep '+', otherwise set to '-' | NO | BASE |
KEEPPLO | + | To avoid overwriting adapted pagelayout, helptexts, and function descriptions by newly issued texts, keep '+', otherwise set to '-' | NO | BASE |
KEEPREV | 45 | EOD purge value for revenue fact table | NO | BASE |
KPISCOR | 100 | SQL Score for KPI queries | NO | BASE |
KPISLEEP | 1 | Sleep time for KPI driver in days | NO | BASE |
LGNCON | STD | Logon type for web service logons | NO | BASE |
LGNDBR | STD | Logon type for Databridge logons | NO | BASE |
LGNEAM | STD | Default logon type | NO | BASE |
LGNMOB | STD | Logon type for Mobile logons | NO | BASE |
LOCALE | NAMERICA | Determines the number format (i.e., use of decimals, commas, etc.) for numeric and date fields. Valid values are: ASIA, EUROPE, NAMERICA, and UK. | NO | BASE |
MAXRSPNS | 1 | A positive integer value that indicates the maximum number of responses desired in the return. Use value from install parameter MAXRSPNS. If parameter is not defined, <0 or not a number then set to 0 | ||
Specify the theme for the application Menu. Available options:
MOBAUDIT | NO | Select YES to enable audit trail on the Mobile device. Auditing will be enabled for Mobile fields on which audits have been configured for the corresponding Infor HMS field. Select NO to disable Mobile auditing. | NO | BASE |
MINGSYNC | Updates the HMS user with the Ming.le user login
credentials. An existing HMS Role must match with the Ming.le Role. The
user must be associated with HMS Role to access the property. Possible
MOBBARER | NO | Mobile Prompt Machine Expression Error: YES - Display possible expression parsing error; NO - Suppress any errors, save in Mobile error log only. | NO | BASE |
MOBDOCUL | DATETIME | Specify a suffix that will be appended to the document file name when uploaded from the mobile device to the Infor HMS server. This is done to better ensure uniqueness and help prevent files from being overwritten on subsequent uploads. Valid values are: RECORD, DEVICE, and DATETIME. Multiple values are acceptable using comma separation. Default is DATETIME. | NO | BASE |
MOBORG | NO | Infor HMS Mobile Property downloading mode: YES for Multiple Property Mode, NO for Single Property Mode | NO | BASE |
MOBTMOUT | Number of minutes of user inactivity before Infor HMS Mobile logs out the current user. Leave blank to disable. | NO | BASE | |
MSGDEL | 60 | Archive Period Install parameter | NO | BASE |
MULTIORG | YES | Whether multi organization security is set 'YES' or 'NO'. | YES | BASE |
NOTXWAIT | YES / NO | If this parameter is set to YES, the tax calculations are ignored by the system and the screen loads quickly. Also, the estimated taxes are not calculated. If this parameter is set to NO, the taxes are calculated and the screen waits for an aSync process to complete or throw warning messages after some time. | NO | BASE |
NEWEOD | YES / NO | This parameter is used to control the EOD process. If the value is set to NO then the Auto Restart process is set to False. | NO | BASE |
NEXTPMPT | YES | HMS Mobile prompt: YES - Start next transaction without clicking "Save" button; NO - Need to click Save button before starting next transaction | NO | BASE |
ONLMAN | | URL path for online help | NO | URL |
OPIMGURL | This install parameter is the absolute URL of the directory where the OPS setup stores the images | NO | URL | |
OPT_TAGS | - | Tags option installed | YES | INTERNAL |
OURCOMP | The name of your company | NO | BASE | |
PASSMINL | 8 | Indicates the minimum password length | NO | BASE |
PASSMNAN | 1 | Indicates the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters required for a password | NO | BASE |
PASSMNLR | 1 | Indicates the minimum number of lower case characters required for a password | NO | BASE |
PASSMNNB | 1 | Indicates the minimum number or numerical characters required for a password | NO | BASE |
PASSMNUP | 1 | Indicates the minimum number of upper case characters required for a password | NO | BASE |
PASSSAID | YES | Indicates whether the User's ID can be used as their password. Valid values are: YES or NO. | NO | BASE |
PGSZRMAV | 30 | Default page size for Room Availability screen | NO | BASE |
PGSZRPSL | 30 | Default page size for Rate Plan Selection popup on Reservation screen | NO | BASE |
PMRVSIGN | ES' - both electronic signature and snapshot are required for WXAPPR; 'ER' - only snapshot is required for WXAPPR; NULL - neither electronic signature nor snapshot is required. | NO | BASE | |
PRMDSPLY | MULTIPLE | SINGLE: Display Infor HMS Mobile Prompt in Single Field mode. MULTIPLE: Display Infor HMS Mobile Prompt in Multiple Fields mode. | NO | BASE |
PRODNAME | Hospitality Management System | Name of the product installed | NO | BASE |
PRODUCTS | EXTSQL | Name of the products used, EXTSQL - If only Extended interface for SQL is used, EXTORCL - If only Extended interface for Oracle is used, D7I - If only the Forms interface is used and BOTH - If Forms interface and Extended interface both are used. | NO | BASE |
PRODINST | IH | The name of the product installed. | YES | BASE |
QUICKDEF | B | Default value for the Operator field on the Quick Filter portion of the Search Bar. Also applies to the Dataspy. Set to B for Begins with and C for Contains. Applies to text fields only. | NO | BASE |
REFRSHLV | NO | Set to YES for the data to refresh when users return to the List View from Record View or any other tab. Set to NO for the List View tab to not refresh. | NO | BASE |
REPCLEAN | 240 | Specifies how long in minutes that report temporary data will remain | NO | BASE |
REPPURGE | 10080 | Time, in minutes, to keep an Extended report output file on the server before deleting it | NO | BASE |
RMTMOUT | 20 | Time out setting for Infor HMS Mobile Real-time web service request, in seconds. | NO | BASE |
RTIMEOUT | 120 | Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a report to finish executing before queuing it | NO | BASE |
SAFEWARN | NO | Equipment safety warning in 7i Mobile | NO | BASE |
SCIFCODE | Delphi Extract Sales & Catering Interface Code | NO | BASE | |
SECUPWEP | 30 | Number of days after which the user will be required to change the password | NO | BASE |
SECUPWRP | 180 | Number of days after which the a user can reuse a password | NO | BASE |
SECUVIOL | 5 | Number of consecutive logon attempts after which the user will be locked out of the system | NO | BASE |
SESINTVL | 5 | Specifies how long in minutes user sessions will be kept w/o being refreshed by the application server. This time is a minimum and a safety buffer will be added to this value. Minimum value is 5. | YES | BASE |
SHOWQURY | NO | Set to YES to show the query fields on grids by default. Set to NO to hide them by default. | NO | BASE |
SMTPSEND | | The name of the mail sender, used for replying to the messages | NO | URL |
SPCLID | Support Customer Id for SnapEngage Chat | No | BASE | |
SPCLNM | Support Customer Name for SnapEngage Chat | No | BASE | |
SMTPSERV | | The SMTP mail server | NO | URL |
SPSNWDGT | Specify the Chat Widget URL for SnapEngage | NO | URL | |
SPECJS | NO | Do not change this parameter unless instructed by Infor HMS Technical Support. Set to YES to use the tenant specified language js file. Set to NO to use the common language js file. | YES | BASE |
SQLLOGTM | The maximum execution time (in milliseconds) for a grid query before it will be recorded in a logfile. | NO | BASE | |
SSRSURL | The URL of the HMS report server, which must end with question mark (?) character. | NO | BASE | |
STORESEC | OFF | ON: Use Store Security for User Groups. OFF: No Store Security for User Groups | NO | BASE |
The system ID displayed for the Booking Agency Profiles Specify the system ID that is displayed in the External ID field on the Booking Agency Profile screen. |
NO | BASE | |
SYSOWNOP | The application that owns the Organization ManagedProfileID (External ID for Record View) | |||
UITHEME | inforhms | Allows a customer to use a custom web stylesheet and associated images | NO | BASE |
TABSAVE | UPDATE | Set to INSERT to return to Insert Mode after modifying a record on List/Detail tabs. Set to UPDATE to stay in Update Mode after modifying a record. | NO | BASE |
TIMEINT | Time for how long the user will be locked out of the Mobile. Based on Minutes. Leave blank to disable. | NO | BASE | |
TRANDESC | (DEFAULT TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION) | Default description for transaction | NO | BASE |
TRNSLOPT | D | Translation Options. Set to D to only update the translation in the language of DEFLANG. Set to U to only update the translation in the language of the user. Set to S to update all descriptions that are unchanged (same as the old description.) | NO | BASE |
UCOLANG | EN | Language code of (default) user codes | YES | BASE |
WSGRIDSZ | 10000 | Max number of rows returned per block for grid web service | NO | BASE |
WSPFSEQ | 100 | Multiplier that is used to determine the starting field Sequence for each process group in a web service prompt. | NO | BASE |
WTIMEOUT | 15 | Number of minutes of user inactivity before the system will automatically shutdown. Value should be between 5 and 180. Note that application server parameters can also cause a session to timeout. | NO | BASE |
XP_EXEC | xp_exec_85.xml | XML file used by xp_exec.dll | YES | BASE |