Master Items

Use the Master Items screen to review all the items configured within the application. Item data is added to the Revenue center. This data is defaulted on the Enterprise Dashboard for validation. Only validated items are displayed on the Master Items screen.

When new items are copied to the master item list, the revenue centers linked to the items are displayed as Null or Global Revenue Center.

Note: You can select an item and copy the item to the local revenue center item list only if the item is Validated.

Sub Menu

Use the Sub Menu tab on the Master Item to review, add and update the list of sub menus configured for the item. When a new item is added to the Master Item screen, the default sub menu configured for the item is displayed. You can also use this screen to add additional sub menus for the master item.

The tab comprises of two sections. The first section is a list view section that displays the list of Sub Menus with Active status. The second section is a detail section that displays the details of the sub menu selected in the first List View section.
Note: When the master item with Active status is validated, the linked sub menu is also set to Active status.

Modifier Groups

Use the Modifier Group tab to review the list of Modifier groups (with Active status) configured for the item in the Master Item tab of the Modifier Group screen.

You can also review the Modifier group related details such as Modifier Group ID and name, Status and End Date.