Enterprise Dashboard

Use the Enterprise Dashboard screen to validate the items added to a revenue center. The dashboard displays the list of Revenue Centers which includes items that are to be validated. You can also review all the records of Revenue Centers that are associated with validated items. Items that are validated are displayed on the Master Item screen.

You can use the Update Field window to modify multiple item lines data such as validation status, sub category or notes related to the validation of the items.

The screen comprises of these tabs:

  • List View: The tab to review the list of Revenue Center that include items for validation.
  • Non Validated: This tab displays the non-validated items and details. You can validate the items and also update some details of the items.

List View tab

Use the List View tab to review the list of Revenue Center that include items for validation. In dataspy, “All Records” displays a list of all Active Revenue Centers with items that has been validated or require validation.

The To Be Reviewed check box indicates that the item is newly added to the revenue center and is not validated.