
Use this screen to broadcast items of a specific Revenue Center to other Revenue Centers.

The Broadcasting process copies items and related details from a Parent Revenue Center to a Child Revenue Center.

For Example:

An Item (White Coffee) is configured under the “Starbucks Coffee” category for the parent Revenue Center ‘Café East’. If Item (White Coffee) is broadcasted to the child Revenue Center ‘Café West’ then this child Revenue Center must be configured with the “Starbucks Coffee” category.

The screen comprises of these tabs:

  • Record View: Use this tab to select the Revenue Center and the related items for broadcasting to the child Revenue Center. The broadcasting process is initiated from this tab.
  • Details: Use this tab to select the Revenue Center to which the items are copied (broadcasted).
  • The child Revenue Center must be configured with the Categories of the parent items.
  • The user must be configured as an Active User for that Revenue Center.
  • The asynchronous method is applied in the broadcasting process.
  • The process skips the item if the Categories are not configured for the child revenue center.