Creating Sub Categories

  1. Select Configuration > Sub Categories. The sub categories screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Sub Category ID
    A unique ID of the sub category generated by the application when the sub category is created.
    Note: You cannot modify this value.
    Sub Category Name
    The name used for sub categorizing the item.
    The status of the sub category of the item. The possible values are:
    • Active
    • Inactive
    Note: When the Record ID is copied, the Status is set to Active.
  3. Specify this information in the Sub Category Details section:
    Category ID
    The code of the category linked to the sub category of the item.
    Sub Menu ID
    The code of the sub menu linked to the sub category of the item.
    Tax Group ID
    The tax group code and description linked to the sub category of the item.
    Account ID
    The code and description account linked to the sub category of the item.
  4. Specify the Tag field in the Add Tags Details section. You can select multiple Tags.
  5. Click Save.