DATEV Extract Parameters

Use the DATEV Financial Accounting Extract page to launch the DATEV Financial Accounting Extract process.

To implement the DATEV Extract, set the following parameters in the Administration > Property > Property Configuration > Parameters tab:

Table 1. Property Parameters/ Configurations
Parameter Extract Type Description
TRADERECEIVABLESACCOUNT DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric The Account Number for Trade Receivables (Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen in German) in 3rd party financial accounting systems
CITYLEDGERACCOUNT DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric The account number for open A/R Invoices (Sammelkonto Offene Posten in German) in 3rd party financial accounting systems.
FINANCIALACCOUNTINGEXTRACTVATCD DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Character VAT mapping for 3rd party financial accounting system If more than one VAT code must be mapped, enter the values pipe-separated: PMS-Percentage, 3rdParty-Code| PMS-Percentage, 3rdParty -Code| PMS-Percentage, 3rdParty - Code Example: 0,1|7,2|19,3 means: VAT 0% translates to 3rdParty code 1 VAT 7% translates to 3rdParty code 2 VAT 19% translates to 3rdParty code 3
The DATEV file with an empty BU-Schlüssel is delivered by HMS when the value is blank. This is standard when the user uses the DATEV option with “Automatikkonten"(VAT is defined within the DATEV and it is not delivered by DATEV-Extract).
Note: A warning message is displayed when importing the DATEV file including BU-Schlüssel.
FINACCOUNTINGCONSULTNO DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric Consultant Number (Beraternummer in German) in 3rd party financial accounting systems
FINACCOUNTINGCLIENTNO DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric Client Number (Mandantennummer in German) in 3rd party financial accounting systems
FINACCOUNTINGGLACCOUNTLENGTH DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric Length of GL Account Numbers in 3rd party financial accounting systems. For German Standardkontenrahmen, the value is 4. If the hotel defined the GL Account Numbers deviating from Standardkontenrahmen and uses DATEV accounting system, the value can be anything between 4 and 8.

You can specify this value based on the GL Account values that the customer uses in the Transaction Codes. We recommend you to set the value to 8.

FINACCOUNTINGLOCKING DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Flag Locking (Festschreibung in German). If True, the Postings cannot be modified in 3rd party financial accounting systems
FISCALYR DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric First day of fiscal year: Format: YYYYMMDD
ARCCTRANDETAIL DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Flag
A/R Credit Card Transfer in Detail mode.
Note:  This parameter is set based on the property preference.
DBAUTPST DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Character The possible values are:
SeeAuto post direct bill batches
CITYLEDGERACCOUNT DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Numeric Includes the Account Number for open A/R Invoices in the 3rd party financial accounting systems. This value is same as the value in the GL Account field of Transaction Code for the Credit Card. This controls the Gegenkonto in the Buchungsstapel file.
SHIFTDROPGLACCOUNT DATEV Financial Accounting Extract Character Specify the Contra Account (Gegenkonto) value to include the cash drop amount in the DATEV Posting Batch file.