Non Room Details section on the Non Room Items screen

These fields are displayed in the Non Room Details section on the Non Room Items screen:
The price to be posted to the folio.

You can specify negative amount for a Non-Room Item if it is not included in the bundle or package.

Price does not Include POS Tax
Select this check box to exclude the POS taxes in item price.
Note: This is applicable only to the non-EOD Post items.
Transaction Type
Specify either a single transaction code or a transaction group code. If you select a transaction group code , the Transaction Group field is enabled.
Transaction Group
The transaction group code. This group code consists of combination of transaction codes that are used to post transactions for this non-room item.
Note: This field is enabled only if the Transaction Type of Group is selected. For example, the transaction group posting code can comprise of transaction codes for golf, tennis and spa.
Posting Code
The transaction code to post the item on the guest's folio.
Post Consumption As
The code of the Transaction Code for posting the consumed items.
Note: The Transaction Type value must be Transaction Code.
Offset Consumption
Select this check box to offset the transaction which is related to the items. These fields are enabled:
  • Unconsumed Transaction Offset Code
  • Allowance Transaction Offset Code
  • Allowance
  • Discount based on Pricing Control
  • Max Discount Amount
Available as Add-On
Select this check box to allow the non room item to be available as an Add-On item.
The department that is responsible for the non room item.
Allow Activity
Select this check box to use the non-room item for a guest activity. You can select or clear the check box only for an Inactive non-room item. Guest activities could be Scuba diving, Hiking, Spa and so on.
Eligible for Up-Sell
Select this check box to sell this additional non-room item to the guest who already has booked other activity related non-room items.
Meal Period
The meal period. Available options:
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • None
EOD Post
Select this check box to enable these fields:
  • Unconsumed Transaction Offset Code
  • Allowance Transaction Offset Code
  • Allowance
  • Discount based on Pricing Control
  • Max Discount Amount
Posting Type
The posting type for the non room bundle:
  • Pre Date Roll: By default, the posting type is set to pre date roll. The bundle item is posted to the folio before the hotel date is rolled or changed.
  • Post Date Roll: The bundle item is posted to the folio after the hotel date is rolled or changed.
Unconsumed Transaction Offset
The transaction code to use in case the item is not fully consumed by the guest and the unconsumed transaction must be posted.
Allowance Transaction Offset
The transaction offset code that is used to post any additional allowance over the item's price.
The amount over and above the item price, for which a guest is not charged. If a guest's transaction posting or expense is within the cumulative amount of the item price and the allowance amount, the guest is not charged for the extra expense. The allowance amount must be greater than zero.
Discount Transaction Code
The code used to post the discount transaction. By default, the field is hidden.
Discount Amount
The discount amount. By default, the field is hidden.
Discount Based on Pricing Control
Select this check box to apply the discount on the basis of Pricing Control. For example, the pricing control options can include Per Adult, Per Child, Per Person, or Per Room.
Max Discount Amount
The maximum discount amount. The field is available only when you select Discount Based on Pricing Control.
Room Upsell
Select this check box to configure the Non-Room Item with an active upsell room.
Note: The application selects these check boxes:
  • Available as Add-On
  • Per Date Roll
  • EOD Post
  • Allow Override of Unit Price
Eligible for Special Package Tax
Select this check box to apply the alternate tax group when processing the non-room items within a package rate during EOD posting.
Inventory Controlled
Select this check box to make an item inventory controlled. After you make an item inventory controlled, the item stays inventory controlled. You cannot change an item from inventory controlled to not inventory controlled. You can set the amount to zero if necessary. Inventory is not allowed for an item for which the Posting Frequency is set to Floating. Also, inventory is generally not allowed for an item that is Transaction Group controlled.
Inventory Count
The inventory number. A record for this inventory amount is created on the Inventory tab by the system. The Start Date is set to the Hotel Date. If a record already exists for the Start Date, the record is updated. This is only allowed when there are no future start dates.
Overbooking Option
The overbooking of an item is allowed or not.
Click Availability to view the availability of the non-room item.