Generating the receipt audit report

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Accounting > Receipt Audit Report.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameter section:

    The code of the property for which the report is generated. This value is defaulted. However, you can modify the value.

    The type of receipt. The report displays a transaction summary based on the receipt type you select. Possible values:
    • A/R Payment: The report displays the payment and refund transactions posted to the property a/r accounts for the specified date range.
    • Currency Exchange (CE): The report displays the currency exchange and void currency exchange transaction posted to cashier banking or folio for the specified date range.
    • Lease Payment (LP): The report displays the deposits and refund transactions posted to lease accounts for the specified date range.
    • Paid Out (PO): The report displays the paid-out transactions posted to the folio, excluding the house account folio, for the specified date range.
    • Payment Receipt (PR): The report displays all the payment transactions posted to folio accounts for the specified date range.
    • Petty Cash (PC): The report displays all the cash transactions for the specified date range.
    Note: By default, the value is set to the PO. However, you can select multiple Receipts.
    The name of the cashier. The report includes receipts that are created by the cashier.
  3. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section. By default, the value is set to the current Hotel date.
  4. Click Print.
    • You can use the Sort By option to sort the receipts based on Posting Date, Room, and Voucher Number. By default, the receipts are sorted by the voucher number.
    • You can set the Sort By field to Room only for receipts of these types:
      • A/R Payment
      • Lease Payment
      • Petty Cash