Generating the Comp Verification Report

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Comp Accounting > Comp Verification Report. The Comp Verification Report is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameter section:
    The code of the property for which the report is generated. The application defaults this value.
    Note: You can modify this value.
    The status of the reservations that are included in the report.
    Group By
    The method based on which the reservations are grouped. Available values:
    • Comp Authorizer (CA)
    • Comp Department (CD)
    Comp Authorizer
    The code of the Comp Authorizers associated with the property.
    Note: You can select multipe Comp Authorizers.
    Comp Department
    The code of the Comp Department assigned to the Comp Authorizer.
    Note: You can select multiple Comp Departments.
    Date Context
    The option to retrieve the records based on the date. Available options:
    • AD (Arrival Date)
    • RD (Reservation Date)
    Note: By default, the field is set to AD.
  3. Select the check boxes in the Report Options section:
    Include Anticipated Comps
    Select this check box to include the Comp Configuration section in the report.
    Include Active Comps
    Select this check box to include folio comp configuration records with status set to Active.
    Note: By default, This check box is selected.
    Include Inactive Comps
    Select this check box to include folio comp configuration records with status set to Inactive.
    Note: This is a confirmation that the records are cancelled in the CMS.
    Include Non Player
    Select this check box to include reservations of guests (Non Players) without a Player Number in the report.
    • By default, this check box is selected.
    • Non Player guests are not enrolled in the Player system.
    Blank Authorization Codes Only
    Select this check box to include the folio configuration records for which an Authorization Code is not specified in the report.
  4. Specify the Start Date and the End Date in the Date Range section.
  5. Click Print.
    Note: You can select Room Number, Player Name, or Player Number in the Sort By section to sort the records. By default, Room Number is selected.