Generating an event item inventory report

To generate this report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Events > Event Item Inventory Report.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameters section:
    The property for which the report is generated. The application defaults this value.

    You can modify this value.

    Item Type
    The code and description of the item type. The report includes event data for the selected item type.

    You can select multiple item types.

    The code and description of the item associated with an item type. The report includes the data for the selected items.

    You can select multiple items.

    Group By
    The option based on which the information is grouped in the report. The possible values:
    • Item Type
    • Department

    By default, the records are grouped by Item Type.

    Output Format
    The output format for the report. By default, the format is PDF.
  3. Specify this information in the Report Options section:
    Include Non-Inventoried Items
    If this check box is selected, the report includes all the activeInventoriedand Non-Inventoried items.
  4. Select these check boxes to include items based on the event reservation status:
    • Include Prospect
    • Include Tentative

    By default, the Include Tentative check box is selected.

  5. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section.
    • By default, the values are set to the current Hotel Date.
    • The Start Date and End Date of the active Inventoried Items must be within the specified date range.
    • The maximum duration allowed for the date range, is 31 days.
  6. Click Print Record.
    • You can sort the data by Item Type, Item and Department. By default, the data is sorted by Item Type.
    • In the report:
      • An asterisk is displayed in the Booked column if an item is booked multiple times in a day.
      • A legend is displayed if the booked amount includes an item that is booked multiple times in a day.