Generating an event folio transaction summary by date report

To generate this report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Events > Event Folio Transaction Summary by Date Report.
  2. Specify this information the Report Parameters section:
    The property for which the report is generated. The application defaults this value.

    You can modify this value.

    Event Master Confirmation Number
    A unique confirmation number and name of the Event Master for which the folio is included in the report.

    You can select multiple confirmation number.

    Event Master Status
    The status of the Event Master.
    • By default, the value is set to Active.
    • You can select multiple options.
    Event Reservation Confirmation Number
    A unique confirmation number of the Event Reservation. The report includes folio details of the selected Event Reservation.
    Event Reservation Status
    The status of the Event Reservation.
    • By default, the value is set to In-House.
    • You can select multiple options.
    Event Room
    The room assigned to an event. The report includes folios associated with the event room.
    Group Confirmation
    A unique confirmation number of the group. The report includes folios of the Event Masters and associated Event Reservations assigned to the selected Group.

    You can select multiple options.

    The code and description of the folio type. The report includes transaction postings for the selected folio types.
    • By default, the values are set to Guest and Incidental.
    • You can select multiple options.
    Event Master End Date
    The end date of the event master. The report includes folios of the Event Master for which the Departure Date is same as this date.
    Event Reservation End Date
    The end date of the event reservation. The report includes folios of the Event Reservation for which the Departure Date is same as this date.
    Output Format
    The output format for the report. By default, the format is PDF.

    You can modify the output format.

  3. Specify these settings in the Report Options section:
    Include Property Name
    If this check box is selected, the report includes the name of the property.
    Include Property Address
    If this check box is selected, the report includes the address of the property.
    Include Property Phone
    If this check box is selected, the report includes the phone number of the property.
    Include Property E-mail
    If this check box is selected, the report includes the e-mail address of the property.
    Include Zero Balance Folios
    If this check box is selected, the report includes the folios for which the postings and the balance amount is zero.
    Include Zero Balance Folios with no Postings
    If this check box is selected, the report includes the folios with no postings and the balance amount is zero.
  4. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section.

    The report includes the transaction for which the Post Date is within the specified date range.

  5. Click Print Report.
    • The data is not retrieved when the values selected are contradictory to the required parameters.