Sending data to the table

  1. Select Administration > Extract > Data Lake Upload Setup. The Data Lake Upload Setup screen is displayed.
  2. Click the Table tab.
  3. Click Initial Data or Resend Data to add data to the selected tables. The Send Data window is displayed.
    • You must select Initial Data to send the initial set of data to the table.
    • You must select Resend Data to send data for a date range.
  4. Specify the date.
    • You must specify the From Date when Initial Data is selected.
    • You must specify the From Date and To Date when Resend Data is selected.
  5. Select the table(s) from the list of available tables.
  6. Click Submit to initiate the BulkLoad process which sends data to the selected table for the specified date.
    Note: BulkLoad is a backend code.
  7. Click Close to return to the Table tab.