Generating Departures with Detail Report

To generate the report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Front Desk > Arrival/Stay Over/Departure/In-House > Departures with Detail Report.
  2. Specify this information, in the Report Parameters section:
    The property to view the records of the booking agency.
    Booking Agency
    The booking agency type. Options are based on codes created as organization type codes on the Maintain Global Codes screen.
    Group Confirmation
    The code to represent a group confirmation.
    The name of the guarantee method.
    Rate Plan
    The rate plan code. The report includes all the reservations for the selected rate plan.
    Room Type
    The room type to view the report information.
    Source of Business
    Select the source type from the available options such as Third Party, Corporate, Sales Department, Travel Package and others.
    Provide the VIP level code.
    The building code assigned to the room based on which the report only includes the rooms that are matched.
    The floor code assigned to the room based on which the report only includes the rooms that are matched.
    The wing code configured to the room based on which the report only includes the rooms that are matched.
    Loyalty Membership Level
    The loyalty level associated with the guest.
    The status of the guest stay.
    Market Segment
    The market segment code. The report includes all the reservations for the selected market segments.
    Note: You can select multiple market segments.
    The Track code associated with the market segments.

    You can select more than one Track code for a market segment.

    Geographic Code
    The Geographic code associated with the location.

    You can select more than one Geographic code for a location.

    The organization type. Options are based on codes created as organization type codes on the Maintain Global Codes screen.
    Rewards Program Type
    The internal or external rewards programs that enable guests to earn points, miles, and membership benefits based on the customer loyalty.
    Reward Level
    The reward level code as specified in the guest stay record.
    Settlement Type
    The mode of payment settlement such as Cash, Cheque, Credit Card and so on.
    The gender of the guest from the armed force. The available values:
    • Female
    • Male
    • Unknown
    The type of armed force services. The available values:
    • Air Force
    • Army
    • Civilian
    • Coast Guard
    • Marine Corps
    • Navy
    Pay Grade
    The pay grade of the armed force personnel.
  3. Specify this information, in the Report Options section:
    Include Additional Guests
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the details of secondary guests added to the room.
    Include Address
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the details of guest address as provided in the Guest Stay record.
    Include Birthday
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the details of guest’s date of birth.
    Include Guest History
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the lifetime revenue, lifetime nights, lifetime stays of the guests, and the last stay property.
    Include Guest Notes
    If this checkbox is selected the report displays the guest notes provided in the Guest Notes field of the Guest Stay record.
    Include Reservation Notes
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the reservation notes provided in the Guest Stay record.
    Include Share with Names
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the Share names that are associated with the reservation.
    Only Checked Out
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the guest records with the Checked Out status only.
    Only Due Out
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the guest records with the In-House status and the Departure Date same as the report’s date (current hotel date) only.
    Only Email Folio Requested
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the guest records that have an email address listed on the Guest Stay Record only with the Auto Email Folio field selected on the Guest Profile of Guest Stay Record.
    Include Notes
    If this checkbox is selected the report displays the notes provided in the tab of the Guest Stay record, but does not include notes marked as private.
    Include Preferences
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays preferences and descriptors existing for the preference.
    Only VIPs
    If this checkbox is selected the report displays the details of the VIP guests only.
    Only Zero Balance
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the guest records with the zero folio balance only.
    Only Zero Rates
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays only the guest records with zero rate provided in the Guest Stay record.
    Show Package Rates
    If this check-box is selected, the report displays all the room amounts where the rate is a part of a package.
    Include Loyalty Membership Level
    If this checkbox is selected the report displays the details of the loyalty level related to the guests as provided in the Guest Stay record.
    Show Rates
    If this checkbox is selected, the report displays the Rates report column.
    Group By Building
    If this checkbox is selected, the report includes information related to building, wing and floor. The report is grouped by the building code and includes the associated Reservation data.
    • The report is categorized based on the building defined at the Room Type level.
    • If the rooms have no building assigned, ‘No Building’ text is displayed in the report.
    Include Gender
    Select this check box to include the Service Demographic for all reservations that have the gender of the guest specified.
    Include Service and Pay Grade
    Select this check box to include the Service Demographic for all reservations that have the Service and Pay Grade value specified.
    Suppress Names
    Select this check box to exclude the guest name, alternate guest name, share guest name and additional guest names for all reservations.
  4. Select the sort options in the Sort By section.
  5. Specify the Start Date and the End Date in the Date Range field.
  6. Click Print Record.

    This report includes the player rank information when the property parameter CMSINTG is selected.