Associating Reservations in Guest Stay

These are the main activities you can carry out on the page:

For additional information on fields on the Associated Reservations tab refer to Creating guest reservations.

Note: If you modify the Rate Plan, Arrival or Departure Date, and an activity is linked to the Rate Plan of a non-room item, the application creates an activity with status Pending.
  1. Click New Record to create additional reservations for the same guest or new guests that are associated to one another. If you specify the adult count as zero, you must associate the reservation to another reservation that has adults listed on it.
    Note: Click New Record to create additional reservations for the same guest or new guests that are associated to one another. If you specify the adult count as zero, you must associate the reservation to another reservation that has adults listed on it.
  2. Click Actions, then click Associate Existing link to associate the already existing reservations.
  3. Select one or more guest stay records from the grid, then click Actions, then click the Un-Associate link to un-associate reservations that are associated. You cannot un-associate a guest stay record that is marked as the coordinator.
  4. Select one or more guest stay records from the grid, then click Actions, then click the Associate Reservation Update link. The Associate Reservation Update pop-up will display allowing you to update the selected associated reservations based on selected criteria. The status of the update is displayed in the Process Status field. The Notes field will display the number of records processed and any errors that occurred. If errors occurred they can be viewed by clicking Details.
    Note: The To Account field is masked, if the user is not authorized to view the VVIP Guest accounts.
  5. Review this information on the Reservation Details section:
    The number of associated reservations.
    Room Type
    The Room Type for which the availability information is to be displayed.

    You must select a room type for which the Run of House check box is not selected in the Room type screen.

    Last Name
    The last name of the guest. This field contains a guest directory look up.
    First Name
    The first name of the guest.
    Arrival Date
    The arrival date of the guest.
    Departure Date
    The departure date of the guest.
    The number of associated adult guest details.
  6. Select the NRG checkbox in the Reservation Details section.
    • The active reservation field is highlighted in red color.
    • The List view of this tab combines the NRG and Last Name field and displays the guest name based on this merge.For Example: If the Last Name of the NRG guest is Smith, the list view displays NRG smith in the Last Name column.