Searching for guests in CRS

Search for guests to retrieve existing guest information to the Central Reservation page when making a new reservation in CRS. Guest information entered when creating the reservation is carried over into subsequent reservation screens.

To search for guests in CRS:

  1. Click the guest name lookup. The system displays Guest search options page.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify all or part of the last name of the guest.
    Specify all or part of the first name of the guest.
    Phone No
    Specify all or part of the phone number of the guest.
    Rewards Program Number
    Specify all or part of the rewards program number of the guest.
    Specify all or part of the organization of the guest.
    Specify all or part of the email of the guest.
  3. Select one of these options:
    Option Description
    Exact The system searches for an exact match of the specified search criteria.
    Beginning with The system searches for a match that contains the beginning of the specified search criteria.
  4. Click Search. The system displays the results matching the specified search criteria.
  5. Select the guest. The system displays the guest information in the Details section.
  6. Click Select. The system retrieves the selected guest information to the Central Reservation page.