Overview - End of day tasks
This topic provides information related to the end of day process.
No Shows : This process searches for guests whose arrival date is same as the hotel date and who have not checked-in; for such cases the no-show process sets the reservation status to No Show. This includes all reservations that are in the Reserved or Pre-registered status. If a room is allocated to any of the no-show reservations, the room allocation is cancelled and the room is returned to the house availability. If the guest is associated to a lease, the arrival date is moved to the next day. When the AUTOPOSTNOSHOW and APPLYDEPOSITTOSHOW property parameter are selected the application automatically posts the No-Show transactions of the reservation to the respective folio.
Guests Due to Depart: This process extends the departure date of In-house guests are due to check-out on the end of business day. When the GROUPEXTENDENDDATE property parameter is selected, this EOD process extends the departure date and the auto transfer rule by one day, for the group delegate reservation.
Account Maintenance Update: This process identifies the Account Type (House or Group) rolls over the accounts based on the limit specified in the ACCTROLL install parameter or house accounts with more than 70000 folio records. The application closes these accounts and opens a new House or Group account with the current Hotel Date. However, other information such as Interface ID are same as the old account. When creating a new Group Account Type, the existing auto transfer rules are created as a new rule with the current Hotel Date. Also, when the group account is the default account for the group, the new account is set as the default account for the group.
Group Status: This process identifies the Group Bookings based on the Group Master End Date, which is two days prior to Hotel Date, to modify the status and extend the day of the group booking. The warning message is displayed in the Process Details tab. The application ignores the group restrictions and updates the Guest Departure Date and Group Auto Transfer Rules End Date fields to the next date. The GROUPEXTENDENDDATE property parameter must be selected to enable this EOD process.
Release Group Blocks: This process releases unused room blocks on group bookings according to the release method used. Release methods include releasing the blocks by a planned release date, by a rolling release, or by a release schedule.
Auto Post End of Day Charges: This process performs these tasks :
- Posts the room and tax charges for all In-house guests.
- Posts the package and enhanced experience charges.
- Executes the auto transfer rules for each guest and transfers the charge to the specified accounts.
Lease Posting: This process posts all leasing charges set to post for a lease using the transaction code specified for each type of charge to the accounting folio.
Credit Card Balance Transfer: This process transfers credit card balances from the guest ledger to the AR Ledger for the purpose of billing the credit card company for amounts owed to the hotel.
- If the folio settlement on the credit card account’s A/R folio is linked to a reference number, the application posts the Direct Bill Transfer to the credit card account.
- If the A/R ledger Offset code is specified for a credit card account, the application posts the direct bill settlement transaction (with the same amount as the A/R ledger offset) to the A/R folio.
Direct Bill Transfer: This process creates the batch of direct bills that must be posted to the Account Receivable (A/R). When this process is run, the direct bills are transferred from the guest ledger to the A/R ledger. You can post the direct bill transfer transaction to any sub folio of an account except the accounting folio. If the direct bill transfer transaction is found on multiple sub folios of the same account, for the same day, separate A/R charge records are created by the system for each of the direct bill settlements. When you post a direct bill settlement to an account and the install parameter ARBATCH = NO, the system posts the direct bill charge directly to the AR Account.
When the EOD process is executed for a Virtual Room:
- The Clean. is set to
- The None. is set to
- The CLHSKP setting. and data for Housekeeping, if specified, is cleared daily and is not dependent on the Property Parameter
Extend Guests Due To Depart: This process extends the departure date for guests who were due to check out on the closing business day. The guest stays are extended based on the property parameter SHAREDEPART. Refer to Property parameters.
Hotel Date Roll: This process changes the hotel date to the next business day and includes summarization of the ledgers. Subsequent steps in EOD may update the ledger of the prior hotel date. These updates to the ledger of the prior hotel date are also reflected in the beginning balance of the current hotel date ledger.
Overdue Room Maintenance: This process identifies active work orders for which the planned end date is the date that is being closed and modifies the date to the new hotel date.
Manual Room Hold: This process releases all manual room holds set to release and runs concurrent with the Overdue Room Maintenance task.
Auto Post Beginning of Day Charges: This process posts the beginning of the day charges for a guest, to the guest ledger.
Commission: This process updates the commission information for all guests who had checked-out the day before or were scheduled to depart the day before in case of reservation cancellation and no-show. The record is marked as processed after the commission is calculated for that record.
Wholesaler: This process releases wholesaler room allocations based the release schedule set in each wholesaler contract. Unused allocations are released by a rolling closure, meaning it will release allocations for the date that is X nights from the hotel date. The hotel date used for the calculation is the post date roll date.
Account Balance: This process reviews current balances of the in-house guest accounts with their anticipated future charges and compares it to the current credit card authorization amount,When required, incremental authorization is requested for guest accounts that do not have sufficient authorization.
Emailing EOD Completion Summary Report: EOD Completion Summary Report is emailed to the person when:
- The report is added as a process in Additional EOD Processes.
- The property parameter EODMSGEMAILADDR has at least one email address.
This EOD process is recommended to be added as the last job as it must be executed when all the processes are completed.
: An additional EOD process is used to generate the TOTVS extract by the hotels in Brazil. The extract is sent to TotvsCMNet ERP, daily. The extract includes revenue and payment postings summarized by transaction codes. The extract also includes net amount for the service charge transactions and transaction codes.
Greece Back-Office Extract : An additional EOD process is executed daily, to generate the Greece back-office extract. This extract is used by the SAP ERP application to reverse the income accrued by the hotels.
The extract includes the tax invoices that have the e-Invoice Transaction ID issued by the government (fiscalized by Softone) and the credit invoices of POS and SPA (issued by Softone). The invoice details such as Invoice Number, Transaction Code, Transaction Code Description, Net Amount, and Rate Category Description are displayed. However, the payments and fiscalized transactions of third-party vendors (POS and SPA) are excluded from the extract.
The extracted file is generated in the .txt format and this is the default template of the file name: ACCOUNTING_ACTREV_DD_MM_YY.txt. For example, ACCOUNTING_ACTREV_12_03_23.txt.