Creating cash banks

Create cash banks to be used for cash based transactions with guests. Cash banks are configured at the property level and are created for single employees or shared between multiple employees working during a particular shift. Cash banks serve as a type of ledger with a beginning and ending balance enabling all cash based transactions to be tracked for auditing purposes.

To create cash banks:

  1. Select Administration > Property > Cash Banks.
  2. Click New Record. The Record View tab is displayed.
  3. Specify the information that you require.
  4. In the Cash Bank Details section, specify this information:
    Bank Type
    Select the bank type for the cash bank. The bank type can either be an individual or shared bank.
    Select the status of the cash bank. The status is either active or inactive.
    Default Cash Amount
    Enter the starting amount of cash contained in the drawer when a cashier opens the cash bank.
  5. Click Save Record.