Understanding the room status update screen

You use the Room Status Update screen to update the room status, housekeeping status, and service type of rooms. Multiple search criteria are available for you to search for the specific room or set of rooms to update. The rooms returned from the search show in a grid with detailed information. You are then able to select all or some of the rooms for update. The values of the Arrival Time, Turndown Time and Cleaning Time fields are displayed when the status of the Guest Stay is ‘Reserve’ or ‘Pre-Reg’ and the current Hotel Date is same as the Arrival Date. The Arrival Date and Next Arrival Date are displayed when the Guest Stay Arrival Date is same as current Hotel Date or within 31 days of the current Hotel Date. The Action, Scheduled Return Time, Cleaning Start Time, and Cleaning End Time are based on the current “In-House” Guest Stay record. The hotel arrival time is displayed on the grid based on the value specified in the Hotel Arrival Time field on the Guest Stay screen.

Update Criteria - Room Status Description
Clean The room has been cleaned and inspected.
  • The room is dirty and requires cleaning service.
  • All occupied rooms are updated to dirty during the Night Audit process in preparation for cleaning service for a new day.
  • The room requires inspection.
  • This status displays as dirty in the front desk room assignment.
  • The room requires pickup service.
  • This status displays as dirty in the front desk room assignment.
  • The room requires turndown service.
  • This status displays as clean in the front desk room assignment.
Update Criteria - Housekeeping Status Description
Occupied The housekeeping status is occupied.
Vacant The housekeeping status is vacant.
Room Hold The housekeeping status is manual room hold.
Out of Service The housekeeping status is out of service.
None The housekeeping status is None.
Update Criteria - Service Type (Indicates the cleaning service scheduled for an occupied room.) Description
Check-In The room is scheduled for the type of cleaning associated with Check-In.
Check-Out The room is scheduled for the type of cleaning associated with Check-Out.
Full The room is scheduled for Full Service cleaning.
Light The room is scheduled for Light Service cleaning.
Touch Up The room is scheduled for Touch Up cleaning.
None The room is not scheduled for cleaning.