Automatic housekeeping assignments

You can use the Auto Assignment tab to automatically allocate the housekeeping assignments to available housekeeping employees. Housekeeping assignments are allocated based on factors such as occupancy, room status, cleaning status, location and room points.

The Housekeeping Assignment Report can be printed from this page by clicking Actions, then selecting Print. When printed from this screen the report will show assignments for all employees.

Property Statistics: The Auto Assignment tab displays the following property statistics:

  • Occupancy – The current day's occupancy.
  • Rooms Sold – The total rooms sold/occupied the previous day.
  • Vacant/Dirty – The current day’s total of vacant/dirty rooms. This total includes all vacant rooms with the following status:
    • Vacant Dirty Light
    • Vacant Dirty Full
    • Vacant Inspect
    • Vacant Pickup Full
    • Vacant Pickup Light
    • Check Out
  • Occupied/Dirty – The current day’s total of occupied/dirty rooms. This total does not include guests for whom the check out date that is the current hotel date. This total includes all rooms with the following status:
    • Occupied Dirty Light
    • Occupied Dirty Full
    • Occupied Inspect
    • Occupied Pickup Full
    • Occupied Pickup Light
    • Occupied Dirty None
  • Due Out – The current day’s total of occupied rooms that have check out date that is same as the current hotel date.
  • Vacant/Clean – The total includes all rooms with the Vacant/Clean and Vacant/Turndown status.
  • VIP – The total includes all VIP people (not rooms) who are currently in-house and who are due to check out on the current hotel date. Reserved or Pre-Registered guests will be added if the Arrival Date is is the current hotel date.
  • Turndown - The current day's total of arrivals or in-house guests that have turndown service requested on their guest stay record.
  • Arrivals – The total includes all guests who are due to arrive on the current hotel date.
  • Current Points Available – The system adds all points for the rooms with the following status:
    Note: If you change total points for any rooms with the given status, the system recalculates the value in the Current Points Available field.
    • Vacant Dirty Full
    • Vacant Dirty Light
    • Vacant Pickup Full
    • Vacant Pickup Light
    • Occupied Dirty Full
    • Occupied Dirty Light
    • Occupied Pickup Full
    • Occupied Pickup Light
    • Check Out
    • Occupied/Dirty None

To automatically allocate the housekeeping assignments:

  1. Select Housekeeping > Housekeeping Assignment.
  2. Click the Auto Assignment tab.
  3. Select the employees who are available to carry out the housekeeping assignments. The system also displays the total number of rooms assigned to each employee and the employee's total workload measured in points. You can also rank the housekeepers in order to assign rooms. Rooms are sorted then assigned to housekeepers in the order of their rank starting with lowest number to the highest number. The application displays the Scheduled Home Section and the Shift assigned for the selected Scheduled employees.
    • The Shift value is compared with the day of the current Hotel Date.
    • You can use the lookup icon(Today’s Shift Clear)icon to remove the assigned shift and lookup icon (Today’s Shift Lookup) icon to assign the shift from the Today’s Shift column.
  4. Click Actions to select any of these options:
    • Select Scheduled Employees: This option is enabled when the Scheduled check box is selected. If the Today’s Home Section is not specified, the Scheduled home section data is updated here.
    • Assign Home Section/Auto Assign: This option upon selection, defaults data with the updated information from Auto Assign screen on the Housekeeping Assignment screen. This data refers to the employee assigned with Homes sections.
    • Assign Scheduled Shift and Home Section: Select this option to assign the scheduled shift(s) to the Today’s Shift field for the selected employee(s).
      Note: You must select the scheduled home section if the Today’s Assigned Home Section field is blank. By default, the values are saved and updated.
    • Assign Today’s Shift: Select this option to select the code of the shift from the Today’s Shift column. The selected values are updated to the Today’s Shift field for the selected employee(s).
      Note: You can select multiple shift codes.
    • Clear Housekeeping Assignments: Select this option to remove the housekeeping assignments assigned for the selected employee (s). The application also removes the values in the Today’s Assigned Home Section and Today’s Shift fields.
      Note: The setting of the Preserve Current Assignments checkbox is ignored in such case.
  5. In the Assignment Details section, you can optionally specify this information by Building, Wing, Floor, and Section for the rooms selected:
    Sort Priority
    Specify the sort order for the following, based on which the rooms are selected for housekeeping assignments.
    Points Adjustment
    You can specify the room points that must be adjusted for each building, wing and floor. The value that you specify in this field is added to the value in the Room Points field. This cumulative value is factored to calculate the Employee Total Points, which is then used to allocate assignments for the employees selected as available.
    Rooms Adjustment
    You can specify the number of rooms that must be adjusted for each building, wing and floor. The value that you specify in this field is added to the value in the Total Rooms field. This cumulative value is factored to calculate the Employee Total Rooms, which is then used to allocate assignments for the employees that are available.
  6. In the Assignment Options section, specify this information:
    Include Status
    Specify the status of the rooms that you want to assign to housekeeping. The rooms on which the housekeeping tasks must be performed are selected by the system based on their housekeeping status.
    When you select the None check box, the system includes all rooms where the housekeeping status is None and assigns the housekeepers to the rooms. The system counts the number of rooms and points if points are used.
    Turndown Options
    Specify the status of the rooms that you want to assign to housekeeping. When you select VIP Only, the system includes in-house guests that are VIPs. When you select Turndown Request, the system includes in-house guests that have requested turn down service.
    Room Range
    Specify the values for the following:
    • Lower Room: Specify the highest housekeeping sort order. When this is not specified the lowest room in the range is the room with the lowest housekeeping sort order.
    • Higher Room: Specify the lowest housekeeping sort order. When this value is not specified, the highest room in the range is the room with the highest housekeeping sort order.
    • Building: Select the building code. The rooms associated with this building code are displayed in the Employee summary section. The building codes are displayed only if the Manage Inventory by Building check box is selected in the Property Configuration screen.
    Other Options
    Specify the values for the following:
    • Rooms per Housekeeper: Specify the maximum number of rooms that must be assigned to one housekeeping employee.
    • Points per Housekeeper: Specify the maximum number of points that must be assigned to one housekeeping employee.
      Note: The value specified can be a Whole or a Decimal number. However, the specified value type must be same as it is specified in the Housekeeping Points fields on the Room Configuration screen
    Preserve Current Assignment
    By default the check box is selected. If this check box is selected the modifications that you made on the Assignment tab are included in the assignment process.
  7. Click Actions, then select Auto Assign to start the assignment process.