Creating a release schedule

Use the Release Schedule pop-up to create a rolling release schedule for a group's block. Multiple release instructions can be set up by date ranges. If there is a date gap in the release schedule, the number specified in the Default Release Days field is used. Once a release schedule is created, the system displays a release schedule indicator to the right of the Default Release Days field.

You can invoke the Release Schedule pop-up from the Default Release Days field calendar button in following areas:

  • The group booking Record View tab.
  • The group booking Block tab.

To create a release schedule:

  1. Select a group booking record. The group booking Record View tab is displayed.
  2. Perform one of these steps:
    Option Description
    Default Release Days Click the Default Release Days calendar button.
    Block tab Click the Block tab, then click the Default Release Days calendar button.
  3. Specify Start Date, End Date, and Release Days.
  4. Click Save. Add additional release schedule instruction records as necessary.
    Note: To delete a release schedule instruction record, highlight the record and click Remove Record.