Setting different rates for different dates
You can define the following rates for a group booking:
- Default Group Rate
- Complimentary Rate
- 10 Additional Rates
- Shoulder / Rate Cutoff Rate
You can use the following options to set different rates for different dates of a group booking:
Delegate Tab: When you create reservations in the Delegate tab, you can use the Rate Plan field to select any rate that is added to the group. In the Rate Plan field, you can specify the Group Default Rate (the group default rate is the same rate as what is displayed in the Rate Plan Schedule popup), Complimentary Rate, and any of the 10 additional rates if added to the group booking.
Delegate Tab - Delegate Rate Update: You can right click a delegate record on the Delegate tab to invoke Delegate Rate Update. This option allows you to specify a new rate for any or all the dates of an existing reservation. You can specify any one of the rates that added to the group booking.
Delegate tab – Delegate update: You can use the Rate Plan field on the Delegate Update screen to select a rate that must be updated for the selected delegates. The Rate Plan field displays the rates that are added to the group booking.
Rate Schedule Popup: The rate that is displayed on the Rate Plan Schedule popup and the Group Default Rate is one and the same. The first time the Rate Plan Schedule popup opens, the Group Default Rate is defaulted to all the dates of the group booking. Basically, the rates inside the Rate Plan Schedule popup are the same as the Group Default Rate. You can use the Rate field in the Group Rate Plan Schedule popup to select any rate from the group booking or any other rate that is configured in HMS, to assign to any date of the group booking. The Rate field displays all the rates for the property and currency that are not exclusive. This is the only rate plan lookup on any of the group booking tabs or screens that is not limited to the rates configured for the group. If you do not make any change in the Rate Plan Schedule popup, then the group uses the Group Default Rate which are added to the rates grid in the Rates tab. If you select different rates for dates of the group booking, the new rates are displayed in the popup and saved to the rates grid in the Rates tab.
Other important points to be noted:
Maintain Rates popup: You can use the Maintain Rates popup to make additional changes to the Group Default Rate values. Changes are displayed in the Rates grid and in the Rate Plan Schedule popup.
- Rate Cut off: If you have
specified a date in the
Rate Cutoff field in
Rates tab of the group
booking, and the
Rate Cutoff
date is past, the only rates displayed in the
Rate Plan field are the
- Shoulder/Cutoff Rate (if configured for the group booking)
- Complimentary Rate (if configured for the group booking)
To set different rates for different dates of a group booking using the