Creating a group booking

To create a group booking:

  1. Select Group Sales > Group Booking. The Group Booking screen is displayed.
  2. Click the New Record icon.
  3. Specify this information:
    Booker Type
    The type of booker. Available options:
    • Organisation
    • Booking Agency.
    The booker of the Booker Type.
    Group Name
    The name of the group.
    The abbreviation of the company or organization name.
    Note: The value in this field must not exceed 70 characters.
    The Status of the group . Available options:
    • Prospect
    • Tentative
    • Definite.
  4. Specify this information in the Group Details section:
    Group Type
    The group type related to any specific organization role.
    Start Date
    The earliest date a room can be alloted for the group booking.
    The number of nights the room is allotted for the group booking.
    End Date
    The latest date up to which the room is alloted for the group booking.
    Guest Departure Date
    The scheduled departure date of the guest.
    Note: By default, the value is set a date after the End Date.
    Planned Release Date
    The date on which the rooms allotted to the group booking are released are available for use. .
    Note: You cannot specify the Default Release Days.
    Default Release Days
    The number of days prior to the end of day procedure of each block date, that the system must drop the remaining unused room allocations. This field is used to activate a rolling release of remaining unused rooms allocated for the group booking. You can also click the calendar icon to create a release schedule by date. If a release schedule exists, an indicator is displayed to the right of the field. See Creating a release schedule .
    Create Inactive Profiles
    Select this check box to set the profiles created for delegate reservations to inactive status for members who stay once in the hotel. .
    Rate Plan
    The rate plan for the group booking. If a rate plan has attached non-room bundles or meal plans, they are displayed in the associated fields.
    Note: If the rate plan has a tax status specified, this tax status is populated for the group booking.
    Tax Status
    The tax status description of the group booking.
    e-Invoicing Partner ID
    A unique identification code to identify the e-Invoicing Partner.
    Copy to Delegates
    Select this check box to copy the specified notes to the delegate group reservations.
    Exchange Rate Locking
    The method to lock the exchange rate for the group with deposit amount. Available options:
    • Deposit
    • Manual
    Note: To post a deposit that was received prior to the current date, you must set the value to Manual and click the Set Exchange Rate icon to select a prior exchange rate.
    Exchange Rate Application
    The area where the exchange rate is applied. Available options:
    • Group
    • Group and Delegates
    Group Currency
    The currency of the group that is based on the Rate Plan.
    Note: If the value is set to property currency, the Set Exchange Rate, Exchange Rate Locking, and Exchange Rate Application fields are not displayed.
    Exchange Rate
    The value of the exchange rate applicable to the group.
    • You can click the Set Exchange Rate icon to set the current exchange rate value in the Exchange Rate window.
    • When a group record is duplicated, the exchange rate is not copied.
  5. Specify this information in the Market Details section:
    Source of Business
    The source of business code. The source of business codes is defined on the Maintain Global Codes screen.
    Secondary Source of Business
    The additional business code used to track all the delegates of the group reservation.
    Market Segment
    The market segment applicable to the group booking.
    • You can also view this field on the Booking Agency Profile or Organisation Profile screen. The value is copied to the associated reservations.
    • You must specify the MARKETFILEDSCOPYORDER property parameter to control the copy order. The default sequence is Group > Booking Agency > Organization.
    • The value in the Track field is displayed based on value in the Market Segment field. The global code definition of Track allows the Track to be categorized based on Market Segment. Multiple Track codes can be grouped under a single Market Segment category. You can change the market segment. The market segment automatically updated if the rate plan is modified.
    Select the track code that must be associated to the group booking ID.
    Note: You can create and modify the track codes using the Create Track Code.
  6. Specify this information in the Associations section:
    Commission Percent
    The percentage of the rate to calculate the commission.
    Commission Flat Amount
    The fixed amount of the commission.
    Note: You have the ability to set up multiple commissions to the same booking agent on a guest stay record by setting both the flat and percentage fields and/or by attaching the same booking agent multiple times to a stay record with commission details.
  7. Specify this information in the Contact Details section:
    Last Name
    This contact last name is defaulted with the value based on the Organization specified in the Association Section.
    First Name
    This contact first name is defaulted with the value based on the Organization specified in the Association Section.
    The nationality of the organization contact person.
  8. Specify the required information in the Guarantee section.,
    Note: If the guarantee policy is specified, the delegate reservation associated with this group is updated with the configured policy.
  9. Specify the required information in the Delegate Guarantee section.
    Tax Status
    The tax status description of the delegate. This is the default tax status on the Group Dates.
    Delegate Tax Status Mandatory
    Select this check box to ensure all th group dates on the Delegate tab use the Tax Status on the Delegate Guarantee section.
    Shoulder Tax Status
    The tax status applicable for the extended length of a delegate stay.
    • The information in this section is copied to the delegates associated with the group booking reservation.
    • If the value is specified in the Guarantee Policy,Cancellation Fee Policy and Cancellation Refund Policy fields then the configured policy is applicable for the delegate associated with the group.
  10. Specify the information of the booking agencies in the Additional Booking Agencysection.
    Note: You can view the External Booking Agency option only if the EXTERNALTALOOKUP property parameter is selected.
  11. Specify the required information in the Settlement section.
  12. Specify this information in the Delegate Settlement section:
    Settlement Type
    The type of the settlement associated with a guest stay.
    Additional Authorization Override
    The additional charge added to the guest folio, that overrides the value in the Additional Charges field on the Credit Card Authorization section of the Property Configuration screen.
    Additional Authorization Override Type
    Indicate if the Additional Authorization Override field is specified as a percentage or amount.
    Do Not Top Up
    If this check box is selected, the folio is not incremented with the additional charge after the authorization at the check-in process.
  13. Click Save.

    You can use the options in the Activities (Action) to access the Activity related screens:

    • Book Activity: To access the Activities (List View/Record View) screen.
    • Activity List: To access the Activity Booking List screen.
    • Calendar View: To access the Activity Booking Calendar screen.