Viewing and posting direct bill batches
Use the Direct Bill Batch page to view and post direct bill batches. You can also use the page to view and post individual A/R batch charges that constitute the direct bill batch.
Auto Match Void Invoice: If the property parameter ARAUTOMATCHVOIDDB check box is selected, the system creates a credit invoice for the void charge and automatically matches the new credit invoice to the debit invoice that contains the original voided charge.
A direct bill batch can be set to following status by the system:
- FAILED : Charge(s) listed in batch has encountered an error and are not posted to AR Account(s).
- INPROG (In Progress): Batch includes charges with a combination of FAILED, POSTED and PENDING status.
- PENDIN (Pending Charge): Charge(s) are not posted to AR Account(s).
- POSTED (Posted Charge): Charge(s) are successfully posted to AR Account(s).
To view and post the direct bill batches:
- Select .
- Select a batch in the Pending status.
- Click to post the batch.