Invoicing lease periods from the lease record
You can invoice an individual lease periods in the Schedule tab of the Lease record that have a lease period status of Charges Not Posted or Charges Posted. If the lease period status is Charges Not Posted, you are able to update the charge amounts of the rental transaction and lease fees. If the invoice is reversed and then the period is re-invoiced, the current settings are used for the new invoices.
If an A/R account is over it's credit limit you will be prompted to post the charges or not. If an A/R account is on credit hold you will be prompted that billing is not allowed.
When a lease period is invoiced the system will:
- Post lease charges to the lease account if the lease period status is Charges Not Posted.
- Post a direct bill payment for the lease charges.
- Post a charge to the A/R account for the lease charges.
- Generate an invoice for the lease period charge on the A/R account.
- Update the Invoice columns with with the invoice numbers.
- Update the Lease Period Status column to Invoiced.
If the Invoice Separately check box is selected for the hire, maintenance, or service charges eon the lease record view, those fees are invoiced separately. Separate direct bill payments and separate charges to the A/R account for these charges will be posted, and separate invoice numbers generated. You may change the invoice separately settings. If the invoice is reversed and then the period is re-invoiced, the current settings are used for the new invoice(s).