The Lease page enables you to manage all aspects of a room lease. The page is organized by tab and includes:
- Record View: Allows you to set up the basic information about the lease such as lease dates, lease rate, how to bill the lease, and additional charges. The information set up here will determine the lease periods.
- Guest Stay: Allows you to view guest stays that are associated to the lease. Guest stays cannot be modified from this screen.
- Fees: Allows you to set additional fees that are charged with the lease. The fees may be based on a non-room item or constructed from a transaction code. The fee may be charged separately, or with the rental charge.
- Deposit: Allows you to post and track deposits for leases with the ability to enter a single payment amount (such as a company check) and then apply it to multiple deposit types: rent, security, and incidental. Each deposit type will be posted to a separate ledger. Each deposit can be transferred to the appropriate Account
- Payment Authorization: Allows you to record and track payment authorizations
- Schedule: Displays a list of lease periods with each period's charges and includes the ability to invoice, reverse charges, split rate, and view existing invoices and credit notices.
- Auto Transfer: Allows you to set up auto transfers of charges between accounts/folios.
- Folio: Displays the folio balance and gives access to folio settlement and the folio wizard.