Tax invoice correction- Important points
You can initiate the tax invoice correction process to fix the errors in case a final tax invoice is generated and after which a mistake is discovered in the invoice. When you need to correct a final tax invoice for any reason, such as address change or charge correction, you can void the invoice or issue a credit note. The original tax invoice is rendered null and void and the system generates a new invoice with the exact same charges that can now be corrected and will ultimately be included in a new final invoice. The process essentially adjusts off the original charges on the invoice and creates a new set of un-invoiced charges that can be corrected.
When a tax invoice is corrected, the system completes the following operations:
- Posts an opposite folio
transaction for each line on the invoice to reverse the charges.
- All debit postings are reversed with a credit posting to the same transaction code.
- All payments and credit postings are reversed with a debit posting to the same transaction code.
- The date for the correction postings is the hotel date when the corrections are initiated.
- The correction charges refer to the original charge record.
- Creates a correction invoice
for the postings that are corrected. The corrected invoice is identified by its
own invoice number and contains a reference to the invoice number it is
- If the invoice is corrected before the End of Day (EOD) process on the day the original tax invoice is created, the corrected document is known as Void Tax Invoice.
- If the invoice is corrected after the EOD on the day the original tax invoice is created, the corrected document is known as Credit Note Invoice and the status is set to Final.
- System assigns the next invoice number in the sequence to the invoice.
- Mark each correction charge with the correction invoice number.
- The status of the original invoice is set to Corrected and the Correction Date and Correction Invoice ID fields are updated.
- Print count is incremented by one so that the invoice is considered an original and not a copy.
- A PDF is generated which cannot be modified.
- Posts a new set of
transactions that are identical to the original set of transactions in terms of
code and amount.
- The date for the new set of transactions is the hotel date when the correction is initiated.
- The original posting date is printed on the new final invoice.
- Each charge refers to the original charge ID.
- The new set of transactions can be adjusted by the user as per the need. When the correction is completed, you can create a new final tax invoice.
- The final invoice that contains corrected charges has a reference to both the original invoice and the correction invoice.
- When reversing credit card payments, reversal and re-posted payments offset each other so the net result is zero.
Correction for Package Charges on the Accounting Folio
All package related transactions in the accounting folio are offset and re-posted along with the guest folio transactions.