Tax invoice configuration
You can enable or disable the invoicing functionality for each property based on the specific configuration parameters. The fields specific to the invoicing functionality are enabled only when the Invoicing functionality is used.
To enable invoicing, you must configure the following for each property:
- Tax ID of the hotel.
- VAT ID of the hotel.
- Invoice ON/OFF.
- Tax Invoice Pay By Days. This parameter is used to calculate the due date on the A/R related invoice. By default, the value is set to one. You can change the value.
- Tax Invoice Start Sequence Number: This parameter is mandatory to generate tax invoices. See Property parameters and Setting up sequence numbers.
- Next Invoice Sequence Number.
- Custom report/Standard report.
- If tax invoicing is enabled, invoices are generated automatically at checkout.
- E-mail invoices with Folio E-mail with options as Yes, As Copy and No. This parameter controls if the existing invoices are attached when the folio is E-mailed.
- Allow Charge Description Change. This parameter controls if the user may override the transaction description on the Folio tab.
- Location of PDF storage. This parameter indicates the location where the PDF copies are stored.
Note: You can set the starting invoice number on installation or addition of a property. You can update the starting invoice number after installation, but the invoices with duplicate numbers are never generated.