Room Blocking

You use the Room Blocking page to assign rooms to reservations. Rooms can be assigned to reservations manually, or by using the Auto Assign option. Reservation criteria and room criteria are entered and searched. The reservation with the highest priority is displayed in the grid, previous and next buttons are used to display additional reservations. Rooms displayed are for the date range of the reservations, from arrival date to departure date. If room rotation is used, rooms with the lowest amount of total room points appear at the top of the room list. A minimum of fourteen days are displayed in the grid.

On the Room Blocking page:

  • If you hover the mouse on the dates that are displayed for a room, and the room is in the Reserved, In-House or Day Use status; information such as confirmation number, guest name, arrival date, departure date, VIP code, and loyalty level are displayed. If the hotel uses the leasing functionality and if the room is a lease upgrade, the lease number is also be displayed.
  • If you hover the mouse on the dates for a room which is in the Out of Service or Indirect status, the work order number, reason, start date and end date is displayed.
  • If you double click the confirmation number, the Guest Stay page with the reservation details, is displayed.
  • If you rest the pointer on the room number, you can review the room properties. You can click the room number to view additional information related to the Room Type in the Room Information window. When an attendant has selected “Cleaning Started”, you can also view the Attendant icon and the Cleaning start time.
  • If you select a room which is available and meets the criteria for the reservation, the room is assigned to the selected reservation. When the owner room rotation method is used and the top room in the list is not assigned, you will be prompted for a reason. See Understanding room rotation
  • You can view the highlighted outline of the grid to indicate that the rooms are assigned to a guest for specific date(s). The Outline Color field must be set to a specific color on the Guest Stay screen for a guest reservation.