Checking-in and checking-out guests
HMS provides two screens to help you check-in and check-out guests as quickly and efficiently as possible. Check-in guests with reservations using the Check In screen. Check-out guests using the Check Out screen. Because much of the guest stay information has already been entered during the reservation process, both the guest check-in and check-out can and should move very quickly for guests. The features on these screens simplify the guest check-in and check-out processes including the intermediate processes such as arrival, registration and departure.
As you complete each phase of the check-in or check-out process using the buttons on the left side of the pages, a is displayed by the system to indicate that a step is completed. If a is displayed, then information or action is still required for a step, and you must complete the step before completing the check-in or check-out process.
Based on your system configuration, you must complete all required steps in the check-in and check-out workflow before the
and buttons are enabled to finalize the process. Your system configuration determines which steps are required to complete the check-in and check-out processes.The Welcome text is displayed only if the Welcome Message is configured on the Property Configuration screen.