Setting parameters to Print folios


  • You must select the Show Folio Parameters check box on the Property Configuration screen – Forms tab.
  • You must select the SignatureCaptureFolio property parameter to view signature capture section.
  • You must specify values in these property parameters to print the specific report type:
  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay.The Guest Stayscreen is displayed.
  2. Select the Print Documents icon. The Print Folio window is displayed.
    Note: You can also select using the:
    • Folio option on the Check-In and Check-Out screen.
    • Actions menu of Charges tab on the Property A/R Accountscreen.
  3. Select the folio in the Folio field. You can select multiple values.
  4. Set the parameters for the selected folios:
    Show Guest Currency
    Select this check box to indicate the amounts in the currency of the guest.
    Show Credit Card Details
    Select this check box to display the last four digits of a card number.
    Show Package Inclusions
    Select this check box to include the package inclusions of non-room items for the folio containing a package or add-on in the report.
    on all folios
    Select this check box additionally to include the package inclusions of non-room items for all the folios in the report.
    Note: This check box is enabled only if the Show Package Inclusions check box is selected.
    Include POS Details
    Select this check box to include the POS Detail transaction charges.
    Show Package Details
    Select this check box to include the package information in the report.
    Show Credits Separately
    Select this check box to include the credits separately in the report.
    Include un-transferred Deposits
    Select this check box to include un-transferred deposits which do not have a destination folio.
    Note: If the BLOCKDEPOSITTRNSTOGUESTLEDGER property parameter is set to CheckIn and there are deposits waiting to be transferred, these values are displayed in the report:
    • The un-transferred deposit
    • Anticipated balance after transfer
    Show GST Breakdown
    Select this check box to display the split calculation of GST in the report.
  5. Click Submit.
    Note: You must select the USESINGAPOREFOLIO property parameter to print folio in the Singapore region.