Correcting and adjusting folio transactions
You can use the Adjust/Discount Record link on the Folio tab to reverse a charge that you have posted earlier. Charges can be corrected or adjusted only if the adjustment transaction code is configured to allow adjustments. The Transaction Code field defaults to the adjustment code and is protected by the system.
If the property parameter IGNOREPOSTLEVELFORADJRECORD is enabled, the user’s posting level is ignored by the system and a charge can be adjusted/corrected by the user.
Note: If the TAXINVATPAYMENT parameter check box is selected, you
can correct the payment even if the payment is already invoiced.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
TAX INVATPAYMEN | Check Box | If this check box is selected, tax Invoices are generated when a payment is received. | Unchecked |
When you correct a folio transaction, the system moves the original transaction, and posts a correction transaction to the correction folio if the following conditions are met:
- The property parameter MOVETOCORECTIONSFOLIO has a valid value.
- The sum of the original and the correction transaction is zero and the adjustment transaction code does not have an auto transfer rule for the account.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
MOVECORRECTIONSTOFOLIO | Text | If this parameter has a valid value the system will automatically move the original and correction transactions to this folio if the sum of original and the correction transaction is zero. | Folio Type Codes |
To post a Adjust/Discount transaction on a folio: